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  1. Kush Over

    Carcass' 1st CFL Stealth Grow

    Waiting patiently for updates. :-P
  2. Kush Over

    Ways of keeping grow rooms warm when its lights out

    Hello again, Grade. If the reptile heating pad is safe, I wouldn't mind giving one a try. Technically, they say that you only need to keep the medium "warm" and not necessarily what's above the soil, but I could be wrong and I'd hope others could verify this as fact or false. Where I live up in...
  3. Kush Over

    can I trust Nirvana Shop?

    Somewhat trust worthy. I've ordered seeds from that site on two different occasions with different pseudonyms directly to my household. I did, however, wait about a week or two before opening them as I just left them sitting on a table mixed in with random articles of mail. I also took the...
  4. Kush Over

    Ways of keeping grow rooms warm when its lights out

    Hello, Grade. Er, don't know about having something that could be a potential electrical hazard near a source of water unless those pads are manufactured for conditions where moisture is present on and / or around the pad. Even if the setup isn't hydroponic based, it could still be hazardous...
  5. Kush Over

    Carcass' 1st CFL Stealth Grow

    Looking forward to it. You'll notice a big difference with the LST and the change in light position. Plus it's fun to watch them branch. Just remember to keep tying down the branches that try to grow beyond the others; keep it all managed and the budding locations will get better -- even --...
  6. Kush Over

    Carcass' 1st CFL Stealth Grow

    There you go, Carcass. Zonyc has explained LST and topping. Thank you, Zonyc. With topping I usually like to try for a FIM ( Fuck I Missed ) which doesn't necessarily destroy the main central growth -- it just sort of stunts it while the rest catches up.
  7. Kush Over

    Carcass' 1st CFL Stealth Grow

    Optimal temperature -- it's not too hot. Shouldn't have to worry about humidity until around harvest time and only with the worry of mold. As far as giving them nutes. I personally like to spray the leaves, tops and undersides, with a VERY diluted mixture of the nutes I plan to use. I do this...
  8. Kush Over

    how bad is this going to stink???

    I understand everyone's anger on the issue of his statement. But I think it'd be best if we all just let it slide. It'll display some true character and show people -- Buzz Killington and cannabis lover alike --that we're above pointless argument. Remember, folks. It's best if we just...
  9. Kush Over

    Please look, I need help with plants

    I personally wouldn't have gone for the nutes right away until further diagnosis. You may be on the right track, though. I'd have tried an incredibly diluted mixture sprayed on the leaves, tops and undersides, before putting anything in the soil though. Not too late for that option, either...
  10. Kush Over

    Carcass' 1st CFL Stealth Grow

    It's easy -- I'll explain in a post or two once we get the lights and the yellowing problem fixed. However you think you can easily move the lights to a horizontal position with the back wall so that a majority of the light will be going down on the plants rather than dispersed out from the...
  11. Kush Over

    Carcass' 1st CFL Stealth Grow

    It's normal and it's also good. Bushy is good; the more of those growth tips you have, the more bud locations you'll get. Hm, it could be a few different things. If you can provide me close-up shots of the plant and the afflicted areas -- the yellow leaves -- I could make an assessment from...
  12. Kush Over

    Carcass' 1st CFL Stealth Grow

    Sorry about that -- had to make that correction. You don't want the medium compact at all.
  13. Kush Over

    Carcass' 1st CFL Stealth Grow

    One of the primary things you want to avoid with growing mediums is too compact of an environment for the roots to venture through. You don't want it to be too loose, but at the same time you want it so compact that air can't get to the roots or so compact that water has a hard time draining...
  14. Kush Over

    how bad is this going to stink???

    Hahahaha. :lol: That was rich.
  15. Kush Over

    Carcass' 1st CFL Stealth Grow

    All right, good deal. Glad to know there's no problems with the babies. I know the feeling of watching them wilt or when you have to harvest them. It'll make a grown man cry. :sad: I'll be staying in tune. About to get some sleep -- it's like almost 5 AM over here where I am. LoL. I'm in the...
  16. Kush Over

    how bad is this going to stink???

    LoL. Yeah, that's going to smell like a skunk orgy. ^ I use two of the HAP2234-U to clean up the smell. Of course, I've also got a ventilation system built into my g-room that's also got activated carbon filters on it as well. Ionizer +...
  17. Kush Over

    Carcass' 1st CFL Stealth Grow

    LoL. I'm no pro either -- just picked up things here in there over about five years worth of growing. I don't take everything I read and hear as fact; I like to look up most of the stuff I hear and verify it before making any assessments on how it applies to what I can do in my little corner of...
  18. Kush Over

    Carcass' 1st CFL Stealth Grow

    Now that you mention it -- I'm not too sure myself. You say you got the seeds in India, yes? Well, in any event I usually look at the leaves: color and shape. They do look indica under close scrutiny, though -- that much I'll admit. I pulled these off a website a while back and just now thought...
  19. Kush Over

    Carcass' 1st CFL Stealth Grow

    Hello again. Looking forward to seeing those pictures; I'd like to make a few suggestions regarding your setup that may help with light efficiency. While it may be somewhat off-topic in regards to the condition of your plants, it would help with space in that cabinet as well distribute the full...
  20. Kush Over

    Carcass' 1st CFL Stealth Grow

    ^^^^ ..And that's what happens when you're stoned and don't check for the number of pages preceding the one you thought you were typing on. LoL. Sorry. Good job with the plants and I'm glad nothing happened. :leaf:Grow on.:leaf: