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  1. myerbz

    Help have PM problem!!

  2. myerbz

    Help have PM problem!!

    Thanks for the intell Khyber... its been a rough last part of the season up here... lots of rain and cold nights... will definitely try your suggestions. Respects!!
  3. myerbz

    Help have PM problem!!

    Thanks... will look into those.
  4. myerbz

    Help have PM problem!!

    Whats up everyone... need some help in the garden... have 3 outdoor plants about 6 weeks into flower and they have shown powdery mildew... how do I stop this. I have heard of milk solutions that can help. I have also heard of neem oil. Or literally wiping down every leaf. What can I do? These...
  5. myerbz

    Is this normal?

    Ok. I'll remember that for the next grow. Thanks Bob.
  6. myerbz

    Is this normal?

    Thanks for the help... I'll look into the koolbloom
  7. myerbz

    Is this normal?

    I read Ocean Forest was a very hot soil so thought I would cut it with the Coco.
  8. myerbz

    Is this normal?

    Of course my bad.... just a little worried right now. Soil: Ocean forest mixed with coco, perlite, worm castings. Nutes: using GH flora series Havent gone crazy on the feedings just following the feed chart. Feeding once a week. Plant has been healthy until this point. The bottom of the plant...
  9. myerbz

    Is this normal?

    Any suggestions on how to fix her?
  10. myerbz

    Is this normal?

    So im about 5 weeks into flower. Leaves have started turning very light green and dying out. Does this look normal or is there some kind of deficiency going on.
  11. myerbz

    Male or female?

    Think I'll do that from now on... cheers bro!!
  12. myerbz

    Male or female?

    Yea... its pretty obvious i guess... just went through a moment of thats what I get for not using feminized seeds. Lesson learned. Thanks for the confirmation.
  13. myerbz

    Male or female?

    I looks male to me but just want another opinion before I get rid of it.
  14. myerbz

    Seedlings are struggling cant figure it out... Help!!

    Thanks everyone for the input... definitely learned somethings here. Think I'll try re potting one and see how it reacts... thanks once again.
  15. myerbz

    Seedlings are struggling cant figure it out... Help!!

    Didnt realize miracle grow was so bad. I was just using it to start up the plants and then when i re pot them i have some Fox Farm Ocean. Should I do that now? or would that stress them out to much.
  16. myerbz

    Seedlings are struggling cant figure it out... Help!!

    Moved seedlings in grow tent 7 days ago and they have not been doing well. Soil- miracle grow seed starting mixed with perlite. Light- mars hydro ts1000 hung at 30" On 18/6 cycle Watering every 2 days or whenever pots dry out. Haven't fed them any nutes. Temps are 70-80 Humidity 60% Not...
  17. myerbz

    Need some seedling help asap!!

    Sounds good... will definitely send you an update. Thanks for the help bro.
  18. myerbz

    Need some seedling help asap!!

    Ok I'll try the spray bottle. I have some Ocean Forest soil waiting when they are ready to go.
  19. myerbz

    Need some seedling help asap!!

    Ok thanks man. Fingers crossed
  20. myerbz

    Need some seedling help asap!!

    That makes total sense. Thanks for the input. Just got a little anxious when I saw the color change a little... guess patience is key and not over reacting to things.