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  1. C

    Areo turns into DWC??

    i went this exact route.. all the little ones grow up on aero then once their roots have gotten big enough i get them their own dwc bucket. i was faced with the same decision. the roots turned from lanky noodles to giant root masses.
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    Questions about lighting for a first time grower

    my setup is veg: 4ft 4bulb t5 up top ( was the cheapest i found personally) then clip lights with 2700k and 6500k cfls surrounding. I am a firm believer in fluorescents for grow. nodes are closer together, low heat, low electricity, light is evenly spread throughout the grow...
  3. C

    Leaking Roughnecks!!??????

    look for a roll of plastic sheeting at walmart in the window insulation/small electronics isle of walmart, i used hot glue not tape, takes a bit of extra time but if you do it once right you wont have to deal with it again, been 3 months and no leaks. hope this helps. :leaf...
  4. C

    Water Resevoir (storage totes) LEAKING !! (please help if you can)

    a picture is worth a thousand words they say.. maybe this will help a bit if you go this route, dont glue the plastic where it seals with the tote, just inside of the lip is best. cant find a link for the plastic, will search more later, good luck.
  5. C

    Plant transfer to aeroponics

    soil to aero i wouldn't attempt to do but soil because of clogging the sprayers. but soil to a dwc standalone bucket ive done and have had great success.. it doubled the growth rate of my mothers. i would go to walmart/homedepot and buy a 5quart 'icecream pale lookalike' container with lid...
  6. C

    how fast will i yield with hydro ????????

    my personal experience, 2x as fast with durban poison and og kush. fox farm nutes. 5gal dwc buckets are my best friend =]. coat them with foil tape, add an airstone and off you go.
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    transplanting soil to bubbleponics

    i just put 2 of my soil mother plants into a 5gal bucket with an air stone, they both really took off.. i pulled the root ball out of the pot then rinsed the roots a bit then stuck them in the 5gal bucket. I was careful to not damage the roots too much but some damage is going to happen. overall...
  8. C

    T5 light with a tent set up?

    i have the same light.. its excellent for veg but not sure on bloom.. straight 12/12 from the start i would say you could fit 4 plants under it the whole way through..
  9. C

    White Fungi please help!!

    thanks everyone.. used baking soda and water and it seems to have worked.. will keep an eye on it though
  10. C

    White Fungi please help!!

    maybe its just bad night for searching but i haven't found anything on how to get rid of this stuff.. its mainly on the lower older leaves but starting to slowly spread.. does anyone know a simple spray or natural way to get rid of this?? any .02 appreciated..
  11. C

    bubble hash bags which ones???

    im curious also....
  12. C

    cfl ques 2700k and 6500k

    damn man.. the walmart down here are selling 2700k 45w @ 2000 lumens for 97cents a piece.. at first i didn't believe it.. ended up getting 10..
  13. C

    1st grow 1st post.. need advice (pics!)

    all of them showed already.. i think they were in the dark a bit too long when i got them.. but i kept them in constant light for a bit to bring them back..
  14. C

    Newbies! Ask Me Questions Here!

    ok.. i really like this idea right here.. but i don't think i'm to that level of skill yet to be playing with hydro or aeroponics.. is there a setup like this one except for soil? i'm looking for the...
  15. C

    >Attention all newbies>Need help come here>

    good stuff.. thanks for the info
  16. C

    >Attention all newbies>Need help come here>

    hey i want to give my plants some nutrients but i don't want it to get too complicated.. what would you recommend?
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    1st grow 1st post.. need advice (pics!)

    also.. how big should they get before i chop the top?
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    1st grow 1st post.. need advice (pics!)

    and the most recent ones.. right after re-pot.. i also got them on a heating mat which they seem to like.. let me know what you think.. so far the only additives to the water was some fish emulsion
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    1st grow 1st post.. need advice (pics!)

    some more pics!
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    1st grow 1st post.. need advice (pics!)

    right now i have a 4bulb 4ft t5 fixture from and 2 42watt cfl for some lighting on the side. i have some questions on Nutrients.. im currently using some soil from a compost heap so its really dark good stuff.. i want to keep it simple maybe like a mix for veg and a mix for...