Areo turns into DWC??


New Member
So you have clones in roughneck with sprayers underneath. Once the babies get roots that hang into the water does it not just become DWC at that point and do you really need the sprayers anymore??


Well-Known Member
Keep the sprayers, that is how your plants roots get fed. They will bring in much more oxygen in an aero setup than a DWC

Illegal Smile

I think if the roots could do better in water than in aero one would just raise the water level higher and earlier to get them in the water. Doesn't aero assume that the more of the roots than are in air and being sprayed the better? I always thought when they got into the water it was just unavoidable but not desirable.


Active Member
i went this exact route.. all the little ones grow up on aero then once their roots have gotten big enough i get them their own dwc bucket. i was faced with the same decision. the roots turned from lanky noodles to giant root masses.