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  1. G

    Upper leaves and new growth drooping, bottom half of plant looks healthy

    Agree! everything here is cal mag this cal mag that, when 9 outta 10 it's a PH issue
  2. G

    What causes this?

    Foxtail, it's Done, chop it.
  3. G

    Help Please! Things going south quickly .

    PH ALWAYS matters...smdh.
  4. G

    Need help! 3 weeks old plants

    You need to get your PH straightened out asap or you'll lose them for sure. 9x outta 10 that's the issue.
  5. G

    LED grows and foxtailing buds.. common trait in all LED grows?

    Providing his PH is in line I totally agree Rudy.
  6. G

    Co2 spiking

    Have you considered all plants take in co2 and give off oxygen during daylight hours and take in oxygen and give off co2 during the night cycle. Since co2 is heavier than air the position of your sensor may be the problem if it's too low to the floor....just a thought.
  7. G

    Alot of green leaves falling off daily.

    Go with the Big picture rather than focusing on the little one which is a common mistake. Your plants look extremely happy, your stock, branches and leaf stems show No signs of stress, deficiencies etc. As Bukvicak said "it looks like a jungle" (your canopy is Thick) and that gives insight to...
  8. G

    3 weeks old - Tiny seedling - Continue or Restart?

    Start over or continue nursing these plants? This advice is blunt and nothing like what's been given so far. Your "oops" on your PH is your biggest issue and until you have that straightened out it won't matter what you do or throw at it (ppm really isn't relevant when growing in soil). Aside...
  9. G

    Possible ph issues

    I use mostly soil but to me your right on about a PH issue. The fact you have the reds on both your stock and leaf stems including the veins of your leaves along with the necrosis usually indicates a phosphate issue. So either bad PH is blocking P absorption or your medium is lacking it. Since...
  10. G

    Can anyone diagnose this?

    Rather than chemicals oils etc try this method I just finished posting on another journal. This is really effective if growing in soil, hydro setups I'm unsure if this can be done but may have some info that will help. I have dealt with these pests a couple of times and refused to use chemicals...
  11. G

    Thrip infestation during flower

    I have dealt with these pests a couple of times and refused to use chemicals or neem etc. If your growing in soil this method is extremely effective as I've wiped them out both times. Since two of the thrips life stages are in the soil I reasoned at the time that interrupting or wiping out 1 or...
  12. G

    Can anyone diagnose this?

    Thrips, look at the small silver white odd shaped trails on the front of your leaves.
  13. G

    Need help with plant

    Yes all three will help, amount needed per gallon of water should be on the back of the bottle and use a PH up solution as nute's drag the PH way down From the amount of red (anthocyanins) on the veins and leaf stems and yellowing on the lower leaves you may have a bit of a nute lockout. If your...
  14. G

    Leaf issue

    Overwatering can cause brown spots on the serrated edges of leaves
  15. G

    HELP - Leaf issue cannot diagnose week 5 flower

    If your already 5 weeks in flowering you should be fine trying a little more P, your plants look healthy over all. Don't sweat those few rust spots at this point.
  16. G

    First grow - What is going on with these?

    Your soil may be hot. You know what your PH is going in, more importantly what is it coming out. Your stock and leaf stems are already showing signs of anthocyanins but wattzzup's advice may be correct as well too much watering will choke the roots of oxygen.
  17. G

    HELP - Leaf issue cannot diagnose week 5 flower

    Before you add or remove anything ensure your PH is correct for the medium your growing in. That said, judging by the color of your leaf stems and how the deep red color is moving into the veins of your leaves and guessing you have red or purple streaks on your main stalk or branches you have a...