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  1. O

    newbie grow-week 3ish

    cut! Drying since sunday, put in jars today. Had some mold; assume it was in the power skunk since it was only in one plant. was in the top of the cola and so only trimmed up to the mold, then snipped the very top to keep. just tossed the rest, maybe little more than an 8th dry. I'm done...
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    Food Hydrator/Flavor?

    food DEhydrators are bad juju for drying but; they work way too fast. Maybe if you left the fruit and weed in the dehydrator without turning it on, it'd work
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    I just smashed the front end of my car into a dumpster!!

    better wipe your paint off the dumpster; they might charge you for vandalism.
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    1st harvest ever

    I had 2 grows that resulted in nothing; 1 when the apartment maintenance guys found it (at least it ended with my trashing them, and not someone with a badge), and other time it was one plant that had balls. But i didn't mind so much that I didn't harvest because I knew it taught me so damn...
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    Turkey Day Harvest

    Those the main colas in the top right of hanging pic? Very nice, especially for one plant. I had some WW's when I started my grow (starting harvest maybe mon-wed next week for my skunk, week after for church) but they hermied on me and i yanked them, so I'm a bit jealous!
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    green house seeds: THE CHURCH

    OG Organically grown Original genetics original gangsta but, I'd put my money on one of the first 2
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    newbie grow-week 3ish

    most plants doing well; the one on the left is shedding fan leaves, and has been for a while. It only does individual leaves, spread around the plant so I think this might be the natural state of affairs for its type (power skunk if I remember right). They took a close up of some particularly...
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    newbie grow-week 3ish

    finally plugged the cfl's into the same timer as the big lights; the timer held up and no large sparks, so i'm good. Also, since I only have 1 14" air stone, I also connected the secondary water pump (one used for rez changes) into the flood pump's timer. Now, when the flood pump fills the...
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    Anyone eat Peyote?

    Back when I could get my hands on it, I usually did. Almost always acid (or what I thought was acid, i honestly dont know) and over a 2 year period, maybe 6 bad trips, all alone. I can still hear those power lines buzzing my name when I walk down the street on foggy nights =\ I can do it...
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    newbie grow-week 3ish

    Just under 2 weeks flowering; starting to bloom, and the smell is wafting around =) Some leaves started yellowing, and falling. Not sure what it is; possible nute burn? Only happening on lower portion of plant, top is usually pretty perky and not yellowing at all. Also, only one plant seems...
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    1 month ak 48 ? please tell me how im doing

    theres a button called "manage attachments", upload them using that
  12. O

    newbie grow-week 3ish

    pulled the hermi's last night, dropped the light a lot closer, and added 3 cfl's hanging from the air filter for the side that doesn't get as much light. Will my plants be stressed if they get uneven light? What I mean is, the cfl's aren't on a timer (not sure of timer wattage capability...
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    newbie grow-week 3ish

    2 males, both the widows The rest are all showing hairs now; really disappointed with the males. Going to remove tomorrow, but not sure what to do with them. Last time they just went in a box in a random trash can. This is good in a sense that the light can get closer to the females =)
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    Texans Follow me ! ! !

    What are the meetings like? I'm in Texas NORML but I never got my card (or the free gift) in the mail, but didn't mind so much since at the time I didn't plan to attend meetings. The closest chapter is Houston, though, honestly Austin is just as far for me, but both still 2 hours. Would they...
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    Anyone eat Peyote?

    Doctor, I just wanted to say your words don't fall on deaf ears. What I wouldn't give to take part in a shamanistic experience with a guide and a hallucinogenic! I haven't tripped in a long time because I know I haven't been in the right state of mind, but also because I've never met another...
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    flood and drain.

    Also, you can look into getting a coco mat. For my first grow I cut squares for each plant, but really, the roots don't extend much past it. I would recommend either covering most of the bottom of your flood table with 1 sheet of it, or cutting squares to twice the diameter of the bottom of...
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    are you a veteran?

    As a former Marine and a current full time college student, joining the military out of high school sure as shit beats doing nothing. I will say Johnny is spot on though. People got caught, and it is NOT worth it. It's not quite zero tolerance, as I knew people who popped, just got brig time...
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    newbie grow-week 3ish

    50 for flood table, 50 for rez + like 20 or something for the top. After messing with dwc in 5 gallons and 18-20 gallon totes, flood/drain has to be the cheapest AND easiest way to grow for a newbie. Also, last night added 13tbs big bloom, 25 ts tiger bloom to 15 gallons in rez and this...
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    newbie grow-week 3ish

    first is female too; hard to see, but theres a pistil on the right with 2 hairs sprouting
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    SPANISH Growers Thread

    amazing patio decorations toaksie! All I remember about where my family lives around there is it wasn't very far from "the ramblas"? or something like that; a type of street mall, touristy area.