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  1. Unwanted

    Best Yield From CFL's In Soil?

    This is interesting... what kinda wattage are you using and usual yield...
  2. Unwanted

    1st time (**SUCCESSFUL**) grow, ghetto to ghetto-fab before she finished.

    amen bro.. you say you picked some buds today? gonna show us some bullshit pics of that too?? haha.. it doesnt look to bad man. thumbs up
  3. Unwanted

    1st time (**SUCCESSFUL**) grow, ghetto to ghetto-fab before she finished.

    One picture could lock you up for life. This is all fairy tales anyways, isn't it??
  4. Unwanted

    Help Me Guess My Guerilla Grow Yield

    It just depends on how you finish the show man. lots of water. some good nutes, good weather.... I say between zero and 8 ounces, maybe more
  5. Unwanted

    3rd grow, CFL, Bagseed

    I personally say 2 weeks... maybe not.. but alottta white means alittle weight... just looks like it can go nowhere but up with a little more time
  6. Unwanted

    New Cab, New Grow

    Hell yah man... I will watch this shit! How do you subscribe? I believe four will be max as well.. What are you yield outlooks? I suspect that 10 g a plant with those lights would be about it.. assuming four plants... I dont see a need for an intake fan? why not go passive and use it for...
  7. Unwanted

    First Ever Grow: 2 Years of Lurking

    hooooorahh nice man
  8. Unwanted

    could you use fishtank water?

    sounds like an idea. is it high in nitrogen due to feces etc?
  9. Unwanted

    could you use fishtank water?

    could you use fishtank water to wateR? would it offer any benifits such as extra nutrients?
  10. Unwanted

    DABUPP's CFL Growing Adventures

    yeah man ... id say go for it
  11. Unwanted

    375 watt CFL Cream Caramel and Dynamite Grow - 44 days into flowering, Two Weeks left

    Looks great man... way to get err done. how much heat does it produce?
  12. Unwanted

    Rubbermaid Grow Box

    small for 3 weeks.. no nutes until its mcuh larger... let soil dry a little to make the roots look for water. roots should be as large as the greenery
  13. Unwanted

    How many watts will a fan rated at 25 cfm cool?? other questions too!!!

    Any shots on where to get ona blocks?
  14. Unwanted

    corn getting cut down help!!!

    Corn matures on a time basis.. if it was planted early your fucked.. haha sorry man
  15. Unwanted

    Penyajos Papaya PC Grow Box. Flower Day 28. 104w Cfl Lst! Rep to All!

    Nice work... very inspirational.. :) :) I cant really figure out my ventilation deal, I have similar wattage.. check my thread in the Design section man, see if you have any input...
  16. Unwanted

    Carbon filter on CPU fan, Push or Pull

    Pull... read some man
  17. Unwanted

    newbie with a question on a very small setup

    Ventilation and odor control will be a bitch. Atleast one PC fan minimum and carbon filter.. otherwise you WILL smell it. The CFLs will do fine.. the produce a good bit of heat in enclosed space.
  18. Unwanted

    How many watts will a fan rated at 25 cfm cool?? other questions too!!!

    and MR2shim.... you say push air through the fans.. shouldnt it be pull??? ohhh where can you get ONA blocks? does local hardware stores carry anything similar (lowes, HD)"?
  19. Unwanted

    How many watts will a fan rated at 25 cfm cool?? other questions too!!!

    Okay gotcha... so that would be alot as far as electricity goes... no way to even get close to that with a micro grow... I am planning on using a Zen style filter or Sugarbear style... whatever... basically two ;pencil cup deal... I would like to think that one fan would work but its not...