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  1. littletoker93

    planting in ground vs. in pot

    pots are defintely better because you have the advantage of transportation. and if your not stupid you will get a big enough pot so the roots have enough room
  2. littletoker93

    :Joint: Tokin'

    I love this site!!!
  3. littletoker93

    flood and drain timing?

    what user friendly said.
  4. littletoker93

    Who Likes Volkswagen's

    im thinking about buyin a volkswagen are they any good.
  5. littletoker93

    New Jersey Vote On Medical Marijuana

    hell yeah its a step in the right direction. finally our goverment understands how important weed is.
  6. littletoker93

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Nothing like a wake n bake before school
  7. littletoker93

    whats wrong with my seedlings

    like jonny said give it time. be patient one of these days it will sprout out and you will shit your pants
  8. littletoker93

    the best product you ever purchased for your money?

    closet all the way
  9. littletoker93

    Weed vs. Tobacco

    Defintely WEED it makes everything better. it makes sex better, it makes sleeping better, especially makes eating better haha munchies.
  10. littletoker93

    Leaves getting rust spots and then curling up and dying

    that sucks but maybe your giving them to much nutrients. How much nutes are you givin them.
  11. littletoker93

    can you tell the sex yet?

    wheres the pic at
  12. littletoker93

    Welcome New Members!

    yo wats up just saying hey
  13. littletoker93

    ADHD Marijuana Strains

    Definetley indica, some shit that fucks my day up
  14. littletoker93

    Legal Now :)

    WHEN do you change from a stranger
  15. littletoker93

    Crop 09 pics

    holy pineapple express im jealous
  16. littletoker93

    tryin this grow thing out here..

    looks good to me. Just move them to a bigger space where the roots can grow and your set.
  17. littletoker93

    PICS-CFL about 250w Complete Grow Box

    Nice man. Good luck hope for the best.
  18. littletoker93

    Lets Get Growing

    yo bugscreen hows that bagseed working for ya. Because im starting my first grow outdoors once summer comes and i was wondering if i should order seeds or just get seeds out of the bag. do you think it will effect the yield? Also a bad thing is you don't know if it's boy or girl.