Lets Get Growing

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Alright just changed every ones water and waterd the three clones that are going to flowering soon.....as you can see i only got one clone to stay strong 4 days old and the good one still has no signs of roots yet but its not droopy or looking like the other ones ....no comment on the other ones i was going to trim the mother today and try some more clones but that will wait for another day ....theres my update



Well-Known Member
Look at that girl!!! What a beauty man!!! I been busy myself... Cut my girl/boy last night... Not too seedy at all. Fruity as all hell. Decided to call it Tropical Earthquake... My little fruity disaster. But yeah, cut them all and dried last night. Took the leaves and trimmings and made cannabutter and Hash oil. and thats that. My white demons are getting pretty big, they all preflowered and their ALL GIRLS!!! HALLELUJAH!!! woohoo hit me back man haven't talked to ya in awhile


Well-Known Member
Hulk can you go over all the parameters of your cloner? Like what temp, ph, water quality, misting with water or no, nutes if any? Go over everything and lets see if we can figure out why your clones aren't striking well.

That Master Kush you got is freakin sweet. I think I might try to find where to get one of those. That is a strain I want to keep.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Hulk can you go over all the parameters of your cloner? Like what temp, ph, water quality, misting with water or no, nutes if any? Go over everything and lets see if we can figure out why your clones aren't striking well.

That Master Kush you got is freakin sweet. I think I might try to find where to get one of those. That is a strain I want to keep.

Dont want to count my chickens before there hatched but i believe i figured it out ....i just took 5 clones the other day and 4 made it threw the night all perky and standing tall ......my problems was the water was getting really cold and the dome was not a good fit .....got a heater and the same size tub that my dwc is made out of and used it as a dome then took the lide and put some tape on it to block out some of the light since they dont need that much light ..... but yea i am happy right now cant wait to see roots ..... i took a clone almost 8 days ago still standing strong a little light burn but it still has no roots.... might take a long time since i take most of my clones from the top of the mother.

I put the three clones into the flowering room but i switched all the timers and watering for 18/6 i believe i still want them to be bigger before i switch the room into flowering .....how tall should clones be befor flowering 6 inchs ?



Well-Known Member
Cool glad your clones are doing better!

You can flower at 6 inches. You will be looking at more of a SOG style lollipop though. I flowered at 6 in and thats what I'm getting. My mom's that had been around for a month... month and a half are producing alot more.

Right now I'd have to say I'm all for vegging. I'm going to veg all my stuff a month before it flowers from now on. Although if I were you I would just flower the little guys and have your clones vegging for awhile ready for your next grow.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
thats what i plan on doing....going to let the clones in the flower room veg for another week just so i can see new leaves come out there already pulling away from the other leaves and streching the stem .....

its just two of the clones look so week like the stems and branches are thinner then angel hair pasta so i know that wont be able to support any nugs yet.....

how big is your ebbaflow mine is a 2x2 and it came with 15 5x5 pots they all fit but thats way to many i want to try and get at least 6 in the next flowering see if they have enough room i will let the clones in the dome get roots i hope then let them grow for two weeks then go buy two more clones then let all 6 clones grow for another two weeks then flower ....

any ideas whats going on with that one clone ... i know it can take a long time for roots some times but i dont know how long to wait untell to give up on it you know

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Alright it took 10 days and tons of patience from me (one thing i dont have) and finaly i have a clone that looks alright ....took me a while but the main problem was me oh yea and the dome ..... but i wanted roots so bad if it past 5 days then i tossed and tried agian....but now i have 4 clones in the doom 4 days old looking really good i started with 5 only lost 1.... i checked for roots today none...back in the dome for another 5 days....it gets so much moisture already in there that i never really have to spray the dome....well anyways heres the clone i was happy that got roots couple more days then into pellets



Well-Known Member
good looking roots bro. So you were just tossing the girls after a few days because you got impatient? That's funny. Don't you fish? I'm to impatient for fishing, but I have no problem watching my girls stay the same size (easy for me to say, I've only had them 4 days).

Good work. We are gonna have some good smoke by summer, huh?

What strain is your plants?

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
that clone was from the mother that i grew from a bag seed so i am not to sure what strain it is.....but yea i would toss them after a few days but all the leaves were droopy and crunched up they were bad and the stems had white on it not sure what that was no way they would have gotten roots ........

fishing i love it take a pipe some brew and my fishing pole my dogs i am gone for hours i normaly catch my limit with in a few hours if that....... aww man cant wait .....going to try a gorilla grow out there some were.....its fun just walking off the path and getting lost now thats hiking...my girl gets scared thoe.....anyways your right man the best smoke the free kind :bigjoint: and home grown at that i am hoping i can get my other clones to get roots soon then i will just put everything into flowering hahaha that might be to many thoe that would be 8 ....... i want to put my clones i bought into flowering but there only 2 inches tall grrrr....:cuss:

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
dam just heard about a clinic in LA that has a heck of deal for first time patinets free clone free spin and more .....going to have to check them out in a week or so........any one know of good clinics that have good clones??? been looking today was told of two sites that are helping out a lot.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Well nothings into flowering yet everything is still on 18-6 :cry: but :-o i am getting tons of experiance on trimming, cloneing, sprouting shit everything .....:o..........:-| but FLOWERING :cuss: lmao as you can tell i am having fun with these little smiles :lol: hahahaha

1Veg room 18-6.

2Unknown Mother......should i cut it down ?? could i make butter with it ?

3Unknown Clone with roots 13 days from cut, going into pellets tomorrow

4Unknown clone roots

5Unknown clone roots..)

6Clone Dome.

7Clones, Sprouts.no roots on clones yet :cry: day 8, sprouts root tails 2/19

8Unknown Clone in dome.

9Unknown clone in dome..

10Unknown clone in dome...

11BagSeed Sprouts..

12BagSeed Sprouts.

13Flower room 18-6vegtime untell big enough then 24hr dark then flower

14Afghan, Master Kush Clones. i thought they would be bigger by now :cry:

15Afghan Clone 12 days from purchase,

16Afghan Clone 12 days from purchase.

17Afghan 2 Clone 12 days from purchase.

18Afghan 2 Clone 12 days from purchase..

19Master Kush Clone 12 days from purchase..

20Master Kush Clone 12 days from purchase.

Let me know what you think i will take some pics before and after tomorrow for the afghan and master from purchase to today in better light i dont like taking pics in the flower room they dont come out good...but yea thats whats going on over here. :leaf::hump:bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
Nice dude. Keep the mother I think. Good to have around for a resource.

Are you using rooting gel (or whatever it is)? I'm not sure what all people use for cloning, but figured if you weren't using any, it might help get roots going.

Also, a note about my clones. They were cut on 1/30, so they had 2 weeks under flouro's before I even picked them up. I think that helped alot, getting their little roots going a bit. Another thing about my clones is that they started them in real little peices of rockwool. I know I've seen a bunch of people on here using the whole 'cube' of rockwool for one clone, but I had 5 in one cube, and there were a couple missing. I saw you are starting your clones just haning in the neoprene, but I thought I would offer what little experience I have.


Active Member
yo bugscreen hows that bagseed working for ya. Because im starting my first grow outdoors once summer comes and i was wondering if i should order seeds or just get seeds out of the bag. do you think it will effect the yield? Also a bad thing is you don't know if it's boy or girl.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
yea the roots have doubled now but the plant is the same size as when i put it in there ........not sure whats going on and my clones i bought are growing bigger roots to but the plants are the same size, in i believe 10 days its only grown a little leaf i have no clue whats wrong.


Well-Known Member
What type of light do you have them under? I notice with my cloner I get almost no growth but the roots explode. I have them under a "warm" low watt florescent. However when I put them in my veg cabinet under my 6500K florescents they go nuts.
Maybe it's the light color?

What PPM nutes are they getting? If they are getting the same as that gigantic healthy mother you have it should be enough.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
What type of light do you have them under? I notice with my cloner I get almost no growth but the roots explode. I have them under a "warm" low watt florescent. However when I put them in my veg cabinet under my 6500K florescents they go nuts.
Maybe it's the light color?

What PPM nutes are they getting? If they are getting the same as that gigantic healthy mother you have it should be enough.

The ? clone all by it self is under a 600 wat mh in the veg room and the other 3 that i purchased are in my flower room but on 18/6 under a 400 wat hps as for what i have been giving them just ph 5.6 water with superthrive.....i tried giving them a drop of each of my starter nutes and the leaves started turning yellow so i just switched it to ph 5.6 with a drop of superthrive.........i am the same situations man spending alot on this and now i got laid off so ya.......and my nute chart tells me to check the EC not the PPM i believe its almost the same thing