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  1. S

    White mold on almost all my veg plants? any tips?

    What is pm? the room is about 23'x12'x9'tall I have 2 6" fans blowing air from out side in and 2 fans inside. one is on rotation. Im probably going to cut a whole in the top and add a 6" exit fan. You have it every grow you say? what have you already tried
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    White mold on almost all my veg plants? any tips?

    i got about 60 plants with a slight amount of white mold on each. I watered them indoor and the run off made the room humid one night. has anyone had to fight white mold? Does this stuff spread like wild fire? is there a point where i should just throw the plant away? my current plan is to...
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    Round 2! Upgrading to a 1000W Stadium grow with a 4 stage system.

    more pics, these were some i forgot to upload
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    Round 2! Upgrading to a 1000W Stadium grow with a 4 stage system.

    more pics coming, were changing the lights to flower this weekend.
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    With a sealed room are IN/OUT vents required???

    I want to seal mine at some point, im about 2-3 weeks from flower. I wont need an a/c/dehumid till may hopefully. is it worth it to go mini-split > portable a/c? whats the main difference between the two? Why are you going with the sealed room vs vented room?
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    Round 2! Upgrading to a 1000W Stadium grow with a 4 stage system.

    did some cloning and some work on the grow rooms this weekend and it seems one of the clones i put in a dirt cup last week has rooted this week. so hopefully my clone room temps are good. we made about 50 clones this week, 20 in root shooters, 20 in rockwool and 8 in the aerocloner...
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    La Confidential yield?

    i got one growing into a mother right now, ill let you know how it goes
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    Round 2! Upgrading to a 1000W Stadium grow with a 4 stage system.

    if you've done something similar and have any advice or just wanna show some love feel free to post. its lonely in here =)
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    Round 2! Upgrading to a 1000W Stadium grow with a 4 stage system.

    changing it up a little. we moved the 600 watt to the main room and I found 8x 40 watt t12s lying around that Im going to use for veg. since that freed up our 600, we decided to get another 600 for the flower room instead of the 1000 and my buddys giving me back my 250 watts. So in the flower...
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    Round 2! Upgrading to a 1000W Stadium grow with a 4 stage system.

    I gave them the first round of nutes yesterday, all except the ones in the clones room since they've been struggling a bit. They responded pretty well. I'm hoping to pull about 20 cuttings next weekend if all goes well. I might up the ppm a little bit too.
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    Round 2! Upgrading to a 1000W Stadium grow with a 4 stage system.

    Ok... So here we go! At first my initial plan was to try and squeeze a 32 plant hydro set, with 400 watt hps into a 3x7x6 foot room but then I decided should go a bit bigger to get the results i wanted. The system is still in the works but I have already started the plants. I plan to throw in...
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    Indoor closest 250W hps, 5 strain Grow

    I think the number of plants depends on how big you let them grow. I'm upgrading this system this weekend, we already started a bit. ;) pics coming
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    Room size, lights, watts, fans WHAT does it all mean?!?

    I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on their grow system to help me better mine. More specifically I need help with staging in multiple rooms, lights for each room, watts while still being efficient and proper ventilation. My Goal is at least 1lb a month or close too it efficiently...
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    Indoor closest 250W hps, 5 strain Grow

    They will be done curing in about 3 or 4 days now. =) I lay in wait...
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    Indoor closest 250W hps, 5 strain Grow

    man they have taken off. The two big ones were around 12-13 inches, the skinny tall one was around 10, and the short one is around 7.5 and the ogk has shot to about 8.5. The big ones(Grape, Querkle) has started to hit a growth spurt, possibly getting used to the grow room. I replanted the...
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    Indoor closest 250W hps, 5 strain Grow

    should i feed them any nutes during veg? Im thinking I will let them run about 4-5 more weeks, then switch to the 12/12
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    Indoor closest 250W hps, 5 strain Grow

    and some close ups of each