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  1. Ganga Grower

    help please

    I would say a boy with some balls already exploded.
  2. Ganga Grower

    question about cannabutter

    I have heard that it is true that it is possible to extract THC from the whole marijuana plant, is this true? The reason I ask is because I recently chopped down a hermie plant that I have been letting dry, and I was planning to make some cannabutter using the leaves and stems.
  3. Ganga Grower

    I have a hermie

    sounds good thanks for the help.
  4. Ganga Grower

    I have a hermie

    little help here.
  5. Ganga Grower

    I have a hermie

    So would it be okay to cut off a branch from the rest of the plant that is 100% male. The rest of the plant is mostly female.
  6. Ganga Grower

    Bump If You're Baked!

    I'm totally baked:!:
  7. Ganga Grower

    Anyone going to Bella Madre musicfest in MN

    Where is it at?
  8. Ganga Grower

    favorite show to watch while burning

    Family Guy for sure
  9. Ganga Grower

    PICs what sex

    When it does show signs of sex, it will show it near the top of the plant. But your pic is just leaf and stem development.
  10. Ganga Grower

    Dumb But Important Question

    However if you let nature take care of it, the plant will probably be larger than you want it to be.
  11. Ganga Grower

    Dumb But Important Question

    Yes. Just like any other plant nature will take care of it.
  12. Ganga Grower

    My BOG (bush of green :D) 3 weeks on 12/12 - how is it going?

    The grow looks very good, you should be very pleased come harvest day.:weed:
  13. Ganga Grower

    can i 12/12 now????

    You can start 12/12 at any time, just remember that your plant should at least double in size during flowering.
  14. Ganga Grower

    First Grow, Any and All Info Welcome, With Piks

    It also wouldn't hurt to add more soil to give more support to those stems.
  15. Ganga Grower

    First Grow, Any and All Info Welcome, With Piks

    In that case I would try moving them a bit closer, but like I said you should start seeing results from adding more lights.
  16. Ganga Grower

    flush or no flush?

    I never flush in between changing cycles. You are supposed to flush out your plants I would say at least three days prior to harvesting.
  17. Ganga Grower

    First Grow, Any and All Info Welcome, With Piks

    Getting those extra lights will help. I probably wouldn't be using nutrients yet. Wait till they grow a few leaf sets. I would maybe get a few CFL's to put close to the plants because I'm guessing those other lights give off quite a bit of heat.
  18. Ganga Grower

    FEMALE, MALE, or hermie

    It definitely has balls, not sure about a hermie.
  19. Ganga Grower

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    Would this work on a plant 12/12 lighting from the seed, or would it have troubles due to the lack of vegetative time?
  20. Ganga Grower

    12/12 lighting, when should I start with nutrients?

    I have a three phase flowering nutrient package from advanced nutrients that I am using.