First Grow, Any and All Info Welcome, With Piks


Active Member
This my first grow and my pride and joy, as you can see, 2 Pots, was originally just be one plant but upon transferring the first to the bigger better pot i found another seedling.

4 lamps running N:Vision 100 watt equivalent, full sunlight light on spectrum, 1400 lumen each(Was only one light for the first 2 weeks),

each plant is in miracle grow potting soil, and received some miracle grow nutrients the first 2 weeks (Not Much at all), and the plants are at almost 3 weeks of age.

Also have a fan and air filter running above the lamps which is blowing a light breeze on top of the plants, temp stays between 70 to 85 varying on the time of day.

Juss let me know what you guys think, critism is welcome, and if anyone has any input on my project it would be greatly appricated, thanks guys:bigjoint:ROLL ONE:bigjoint:



Active Member
3 weeks from seed in soil is what i should have said, also I've had them on a 24/0 light cycle and yesterday was there first 12/12.......

Ganga Grower

Active Member
Getting those extra lights will help. I probably wouldn't be using nutrients yet. Wait till they grow a few leaf sets. I would maybe get a few CFL's to put close to the plants because I'm guessing those other lights give off quite a bit of heat.


Active Member
Getting those extra lights will help. I probably wouldn't be using nutrients yet. Wait till they grow a few leaf sets. I would maybe get a few CFL's to put close to the plants because I'm guessing those other lights give off quite a bit of heat.

I was worried about the heat as well, but the N:Vision florescent Spring lamp doesn't put off that much heat to my surprise

Ganga Grower

Active Member
In that case I would try moving them a bit closer, but like I said you should start seeing results from adding more lights.


Active Member
how do u ad more soil, take soil from the bottom and more fresh on top? or just like sprinkle it on top......


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
you need to get the lights at least 4" to 6" from the plants,they won't stretch. ad you can just add soil or just wait and transplant.good luck. they look good.


Active Member
yeah the nvisions are cfl's, Moved the plants closer to about 2-3 inches away, and rootbound by that u meen the roots have ran out of room for the plant to grow therefore causing the growth to be stunted??

and as far as nutrients goes, wats some good nutrients I can grab kinda cheap from like homedepot or somewhere??

and i have anotha ?, you cant smoke male plants? only females bud?? and ive read on hermys but why do people hate them?


Well-Known Member
LOL at your "bumps." You're kinda eager for some answers, yes? I'm off to bed, so I'll keep it short. No. 1, I agree with the person who said you should add some more dirt. Sprinkle at least another half inch to support the stems, but at same time, know you will be transplanting soon.
Secondly, you can get very good results with basic fertilizers. Home Depot/Lowes carries Schultz 10-15-10 and a Miracle


Well-Known Member
Bloom 30-15-30. Both should be sufficient to see you through your grow. In the meantime, I'd suggest you read up on other natural alternatives---organics.
As for hermies...they don't exactly suck in my opinion. After all, since when is a periodic seed bad?

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
this is what i use and the growth rate is awsome.:blsmoke:
Hey mygirls, seen you around on the boards and wanted to say whats up! Do you use superthrive with standard feeding? I've used it for transplanting and such, but not for everyday feeding...just wondering if anyone does this and if its OK.

I'm not yet sold on the stuff (I still think it could be snake oil...) but lots of people in this community use it, so I wanted to know if I could add it to my foxfarm big bloom and tiger bloom.

EBE420--you're getting some good advice on here, but read as many threads as you can--everything you are asking has likely been asked somewhere, sometime on this site, and that way you don't have to wait for answers and bump your posts!

Good luck with your grow, and keep up with the pics!


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Hey mygirls, seen you around on the boards and wanted to say whats up! Do you use superthrive with standard feeding? I've used it for transplanting and such, but not for everyday feeding...just wondering if anyone does this and if its OK.

I'm not yet sold on the stuff (I still think it could be snake oil...) but lots of people in this community use it, so I wanted to know if I could add it to my foxfarm big bloom and tiger bloom.

EBE420--you're getting some good advice on here, but read as many threads as you can--everything you are asking has likely been asked somewhere, sometime on this site, and that way you don't have to wait for answers and bump your posts!

Good luck with your grow, and keep up with the pics!
whats up bro. well they just took super thrive off the shelfhere in oregon last year becuz of some fucking cem. in it. i don't think its snake oil. but ya i use it every feeding durig veg. i use it a few time in flower. i mix it right in with all other nutes. bongsmilie