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  1. Stussy

    Are my girls ready, Help please

    Ok shall do, Thanks peoples
  2. Stussy

    Are my girls ready, Help please

    Been flowering for 6 - 7 weeks, I do have a magnifying glass but its not strong enough to see
  3. Stussy

    Are my girls ready, Help please

    I've got few girls and wanting to know if they are ready? See pics. Also they're still on nutes, should I start water only feeding?
  4. Stussy

    Is this normal female plant growth??! pics inc. please have a look

    Ok then if in doubt? Pull it off and spray some reversal and penatrator on it.
  5. Stussy

    Is this normal female plant growth??! pics inc. please have a look

    Yeah, its still growing while flowering, thats a good thing. You dont want it to stop do you?
  6. Stussy

    MMJ GROW Tips Please?

    Pics would be a great help
  7. Stussy

    Male or Female? Can we tell YET?

    male male male, kill it
  8. Stussy

    leaf curling issue

    90 + equals death, be aware of that
  9. Stussy

    Flowering leaf discoloration please HELP

    Ph was my problem as noted above
  10. Stussy

    some more pics----mold problem?help

    I'd replant them if I were you, have heard alot of bad truths about those pots.
  11. Stussy

    Flowering leaf discoloration please HELP

    Well was definately a ph problem my ph pen was way out of wack. Just to let you all know the ph was at 2.6, lady may bounce back if not to much root damage though, have to wait and see.
  12. Stussy

    Flowering leaf discoloration please HELP

    ok thanks, runnung at 6.2, shall bring down to 5.9
  13. Stussy

    Flowering leaf discoloration please HELP

    ok shall try that,also with cal mag and see what happens in the next few days
  14. Stussy

    Flowering leaf discoloration please HELP

    I have a leaf discoloration and cant figure prob out. Other 2 are fine just this 1. 3 weeks into flower, yellowing of leaf edges, just noticed it today, testerday was fine, havent done anything different, but dont know how to fix, see pic, Please help.
  15. Stussy

    No mate I dont

    No mate I dont
  16. Stussy

    9k first grow

    This is the 1st time ever I'm growing indoors, usually let nature do it all for me, however, I'm using 600w, really a pound for 600w?
  17. Stussy

    Help please. Is it dying?

    Go to you tube, ready set grow vidoes should also help you heaps with mixes and stuff.