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  1. andy appleseed

    autoflowering outdoors

    I'm trying to plan my second outdoor grow here in GA. Im thinking about having my grow this year at my hunting club because I know a pretty good spot. But the other hunters will start to scout around during the end of summer/ begining of fall. So long story short is im thinkin about...
  2. andy appleseed

    How much should I yield?

    Most people that resopnded to my post are freaking idots...but thanks for your opinions! I got 9 ounces biothes!
  3. andy appleseed

    trichomes on my sativas are still milky! Help

    Just taste tasted my purple nug and it was definetly a weird heady high.....not a huge fan.....Ill keep waiting and hope for the best
  4. andy appleseed

    trichomes on my sativas are still milky! Help

    Over a month ago I harvested 5 plants that were close to 50/50 milky/amber. My 4 sativas seem to be taking a looong time to get to 50/50. Its problably only 90% cloudy on my remaining sativas and its almost thanksgivings. Do sativas not produce as much amber tricomes? Is it good to...
  5. andy appleseed

    Growin the ganja in the dorm :D

    You are going to stink up the building, I guarantee you.....You must do everything you can to prevent that unmistakeable smell. So you will have to spend some money on some good gear. I dried out about 5 grams in my house the other day to sample and it stunk up my entire house. Even after I...
  6. andy appleseed

    Shit! No more direct sunlight

    My plants are doing ok. All my plants are putting on flowers at least. Ive sampled some of the Barneys Farm LSD strain and it was dank. Allot of the buds, besides the main colas, are fluffy though. Even if the plants were in a position to recieve direct sunlight, it would'nt matter with...
  7. andy appleseed

    Someone ripped us in the middle of the night>>>>

    DUDE if you want to get that bitch back just call the cops and make an anomous tip that someone is dealing drugs from his house. Make sure you do it on a friday or saturday night and hopefully they will be smoking some of your bud when they get there. BOOM POW!, best fucking plan ever
  8. andy appleseed

    Shit! No more direct sunlight

    I have four 5ft plants that I have been growing since May. During the summer they got around 8 hours of direct sunlight. Now they dont get any. The sun doesnt make it over the tree line anymore... WTF!!! One plant has about two weeks to go and the other three sativas have about five weeks...
  9. andy appleseed

    How much longer: your opinions please! got more than 10 days, I would say wait until three weeks then check and see if its ready
  10. andy appleseed

    my first outdoor grow (in bfe)

    A abandoned neighborhood maybe. Or if your crazy there is a thread on here where some dude climbed like 60 feet up in a tree.
  11. andy appleseed


    What is googling.....bitch?
  12. andy appleseed


    How do you make since of that map?
  13. andy appleseed

    How much should I yield?

    Dude thats a yard stick....Not saying my plants are huge, I know their not. But shit, Ill get over 2oz becuause of my 2 three footers........Right? :peace:
  14. andy appleseed

    How much should I yield?

    Im not expecting anything in the pounds. At the most I was thinking 8oz. I planted 2 months ago and did not do a great job. I planted too close and did not dig deep enough. Plus I used MG soil. But damn I hope its more than 2 oz. My pictures are shitty, but I got two plants over 3 feet...
  15. andy appleseed

    How much should I yield?

    This is my first grow and I am courious about how much weed I should exepct from these 11 plants? Over 6 oz?
  16. andy appleseed

    Outdoor growing help

    Do some research and make a cheap grow box. Otherwise you will have to wait until next March/April.
  17. andy appleseed


    Yo goodgreen. Im growing in the great state of Georgia. My indica dominant strains have been flowering for about 1-2 weeks. None of my sativas have started to flower.
  18. andy appleseed

    Buying seeds living in us

    I would say 99.9% of the people who order from attitude are satisfied. Shit I accidently gave them my old address and I told them and they mailed a new package to my house. Great customer service! Oh and I got it in 10 days. Dont sweat getting busted by the cops. Customs will simply throw...
  19. andy appleseed

    plants in the shade???

    Nah dude, a little shade doesn't affect flowering time at all. But the more direct sun the bigger the plant will get...obviously Peace