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  1. chieselmad


    cheers for the conccern and replies...........your not a bad lot !!!..hahhahahahhaha
  2. chieselmad


    p.s turned him on ..means switched on the fighting gene........the one thing i always surpressed in him........
  3. chieselmad


    thanks mate but its Whiskey being switched on that dreads me......he does not know what he is..hahahahaha...big dope.........but for me its scary cos i dont carry a magnum if he attacks me........anyway i washed him up and there's not a mark on him.......but he is acting very...
  4. chieselmad


    yes mate i asked about cheese yield and got no replies.........i have 4 ...3 blue cheese and 1 cheisel....but me thinks the yield isnt gonna be great.....but the weed will be......i heard before i did these cheese was a bad yielder.....hope that helps a bit ..good luck man
  5. chieselmad

    ID MY BUD :D please

    har to tell mate but its got red beard look about it...........
  6. chieselmad


    Been for a walk in local park...idiot with pitbull(well he thought he had one)........he had his dog off the lead and charging around the park.Acting aggressively he approached my dog and I...i shouted for the guy to grab his dog or he will be killed....but he said in a smart ass way "he's...
  7. chieselmad


    i put a thread on was worded wrong guys sorry....growing some blue cheese.......fully organic....anybody care to share some experience's on yield,do's and donts......thanks boys
  8. chieselmad

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    hello man!!!
  9. chieselmad

    Flowering already!

    good old bat guano 2:10:3 npk.....................or chicken droppings based thats high in phosphorus...good luck
  10. chieselmad

    spider mite solution

    lots of places sell predators that eat the little f****rs then die when they have scoffed them local hydroshop does....
  11. chieselmad

    First time in door grow, advice on plant

    give it an Elixer like canna's Rhizotonic to relax it....4mls per litre of water for 3-4 days a week it will be right again
  12. chieselmad

    blue cheese 3weeks in..

    these 3 blue cheese and 1 cheisel are 4 weeks in with 6 to go starting to really stink......heard the yield from cheese isnt massive..anybody care to share if youve grown it before.......just averages will do thanks lads....
  13. chieselmad

    Veg time indoors?

    depends on system but the lads are right about a month.................had a plant grow 30 inches in 4 flower at 18inches.... otherwise youll have huge things....happened to me once.........when i had no clue...........still just about have an idea now....good luck...........
  14. chieselmad

    Welcome New Members!

    Hi lads ...uploaded some pics of 3 blue cheese and 1 cheisel....i am growing at the moment ..hope you like and hopefully be able to give and take a little of wishes
  15. chieselmad

    your cats feel love?

    answer "No"....sorry to dissapoint cat lovers...youre only a means to an end....
  16. chieselmad

    Anyone got The Chiesel from Big Buddah yet?

    yes my friend....out since late 08......cheesier than the normal cheese....mixed with diesel it absolutely stinks man......lovely!!!hee hee!!I got 3 on the go ..going well........they seem to love a guana tea .....youll love it of the best smokes in the shit!!! good luck man!!
  17. chieselmad

    Do These look done?

    I agree with the boys....a few weeks more....try some guana tea for the 4-5 weeks and they will be banging!! good luck..
  18. chieselmad

    Brainstorm Cloning Problems

    try some clonex rooting gel.........maybe your not using a disposable scalpel..use new one every time....use also a high top propagator if using high output tubes e.g bright wing mother light keep them 60-90cms away....make sure p.h is 5.5-6.3 mist your cubes dont let them dry (n.b)...happy...