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  1. P

    Ice Swiss Cheese and Finally Northern Lights Auto Flowering Outdoor Grow

    so i topped my plants finally got them outside they are about 6 inches tall i got 2 ice 3 swiss cheese and 3 northernlights af out there right now i put them outside yesterday i topped the northernligts af before i read u shouldnt top autoflowering strains ill see how they do=/ im hopping for...
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    A Few Questions from a Semi-Noob Grower

    my first question... first off i know there are many factors that will affect this but i got 3 strains growing right now all from nirvana i got ice swiss cheese and northern ligths af.... what kind of yeild should i expect from each plant grown outdoors... this is the info i can give ice says...
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    I Need Help. Is It Possible to Top Plants 30 Days into Flowering?

    ur better off pulling it down try lsting them so there the same hieght rather then lose part of ur main buds
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    Uncle Ben's Topping with Auto's?

    well i tried it before i read this ill let u know how it goes lol im goin for the 4 main colas ill post pics later o and btw the strain was northern lights af from nirvana
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    Ice Swiss Cheese and Finally Northern Lights Auto Flowering Outdoor Grow

    well i got me seeds in 2 days ago got 5 ice fem 5swiss cheese fem and 5 northern lights af fem...all from nirvana... first off ive ordered from nirvana before and they only get better last time it took 8 days including weekends this time only 7... i love this site. back to the seeds 3 hours...
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    think i just might have ruined one of my plants thats about 3 weeks ointo flowering

    thanks everyone for the info im so relieved now i thought i just lost my plant
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    think i just might have ruined one of my plants thats about 3 weeks ointo flowering

    one of my plants is like a bush and i was trying to look in the middle of it so i pulled gently...or so i thought downward and it split about a half to a quarter inch down the main stem i guess u would call it will this live or??
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    first of its oxycontin and they are great... lol but watch out for them they are highly addictive its synthetic heroin basically. mixing with alcohol isnt that bad if u take a beer with a decent dose... but never mix anxiety meds or depression meds with them thats asking to die... ive know more...
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    srying idea let me knwo what u growers think

    drying*** idea misspelled in title well first off i work on a farm and i got this idea from one of the machines used for drying hay. basically the machine spins threw the cut hay one the gorund and puts tiny cuts all up the stem so water can escape from the many tiny holes rather from just...
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    nirvanas blue mystic and indoor mix grow

    and just for some info about what i forgot t put up i started them on 18/6 moving them outside during the day for the peak sun hours like from 11-5 then brought them back inside. well atleast until they started flowering nwo im to scared that some genius is growing a male somewhere near me i...
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    nirvanas blue mystic and indoor mix grow

    o and the blue mystic top survied all female in the picture thats coming up things arnt the clearest the blue mystic is the tall skinny on in the back the uncle benns topping method indor mix seed is tin the what bucket and the one i did is in the other green bucket i also flowered them when...
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    nirvanas blue mystic and indoor mix grow

    sorry about not continue with my guide im 1 1/2 weeks into flowering posting pics ina minute only have my camera phone at the moment. with the 3 plants i tired a few differnt topping methods did uncle bens to get 4 and tried one of my own like uncle bens better got more distictive colas the one...
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    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    im doing both i got 3 in soil then im putting the clones in a hydro kit
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    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    can you use SpaGuard Ph up and down on plants the chemicals are sodium carbonate for the increaser and sodium bisulfate for the decreaser
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    ph adjustment questions

    hi i was wondering if all ph up and down products are the same chemicals. basically i was wondering if my Spa guard brand ph up and ph decreaser would work on my plants or will it kill them any help would be appreciated :joint:
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    nirvanas blue mystic and indoor mix grow

    so far only germinated 2 of the indoor mix and 1 blue mystic but sadly 2 days into growing the blue mystic seed one of my lights fell on it and burnt the middle of the stem so i cut out the middle piece. i am hoping the leaves will grow roots and the roots will grow more leaves.:wall: but who...
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    does she look ready to harvest yet?

    post a pic upclose to the buds easier to tell by seeing the trichomes
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    Questions About Cloning

    how long after germination until i can clone of one of my plants?
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    nirvana seeds legit ?

    yea nirvana is sweet got my order in 8 days to the east coast of the us. including weekends and got perfect germ rate so far 5/5