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  1. thedemon

    Pop Corn Bud - Encouraging Growth?

    Its Hydro, Been giving it Nutes for the buds. CFL 250watt, extractor fan and fan. Nice humidity and tempreture but no gage.
  2. thedemon

    Pop Corn Bud - Encouraging Growth?

    I have been trolling through forums, reading debate pages and information pages now for several hours on several occasions and i can not seem to come to a conclusion to my problem. I am in need of a professional for an answer and none of the spam answers we sometimes see. My plants have now...
  3. thedemon

    Shitting in dressing rooms

    wmahhaaahhhaaa im stoned!!!
  4. thedemon

    sticks and stones; what have you found in a bag?

    a Whole quarter, you could put that in a jar you made earlier to save up for your next weed :) Demon
  5. thedemon

    Shitting in dressing rooms

    I need a job. All ive done for for too long is kept people smoking on the boodwah. I dont mean actualy enjoying sitting on (sh)IT i mean more on the line of someone else going through the pain and embaresment of sitting on it and avin shit on em when they in town.
  6. thedemon

    Shitting in dressing rooms

    I also feel like this, Specialym stoned just the thought of someone going in there and having to sit on my S*#t or dry there hands on my piss. Kinda a little funny, never done it though.
  7. thedemon

    whats the STUPIDIEST sh*t ( not craziest ) thing you have done stoned?

    I made my mate look all over his room for something i stole off him to make him look all over his room. I made him look in bare places twice. We was mashed. And it was his bud i stole aha.
  8. thedemon

    sticks and stones; what have you found in a bag?

    The only thing i get bare of in my weed is stalks man, its shit and i get big fat buds so i cant really complain. I do remember not getting any egg in my pork pie that was supposed to have egg in though. Was awhile ago but still pisses me off.
  9. thedemon

    (pics)Flowering Time? Skunk Haze

    Does that mean that the plant think it is flowering straight away from birtth? Im going to wait untill they are no less than 2o inches tall and by then my Auto AK should be ready to flower at the same time :)
  10. thedemon

    (pics)Flowering Time? Skunk Haze

    i did get a nice bulb :) Hopefully they can start to catch up now. This is my first grow so i cant be really to pushy with monies as im poor (that is why i am growing) But as long as i get atleast one ounce per plant maybe one and a half im not to bothered from this light as i can buy more...
  11. thedemon

    (pics)Flowering Time? Skunk Haze

    Saaffeee, :) I just gota try and forget bout them so they grow noww. Hopefully they will start to bush out now they dont need to get taller.
  12. thedemon

    250Watts 4small(ish plants)

    To start with i was using a Single Tube of light to grow my plants, i didnt even know what wattage it was, i know it was under a hundred. They grew perfectly though. After the first month of growing i bought a new 250Watt CFL from greenshorticulture. I have my plants under that ~2inches away...
  13. thedemon

    (pics)Flowering Time? Skunk Haze

    Also forgot to say that i have a household fan blowing at them on its lowest level so they are blowing a little. This is good though i take it as it strengthens the stem?
  14. thedemon

    (pics)Flowering Time? Skunk Haze

    I have a 250watt CFL Now its hanging bout 2inches away from all 4 of my skunk and 5 of my AK there only small and the bulb is huge so it shouldnt matter as much at the moment should it? My Auto AK is loving it as they are only ikkle :)
  15. thedemon

    (pics)Flowering Time? Skunk Haze

    Yesss, the bigger the bigger buds the higher we get :) Sound advice man. How big would you let them get? I guess you mean bushy aswell as taller. Demon
  16. thedemon

    (pics)Flowering Time? Skunk Haze

    Sorry but....
  17. thedemon

    Nearly done? PIKS.. nd few harvesting questions.

    Cheeky motherfucker :) i still got months left to wait, your buds are looking georgeus my friend. I would leave it another 2weeks as you have waited this long as it is. The bud can only get better aye Safe, Demon
  18. thedemon

    (pics)Flowering Time? Skunk Haze

    Howz it going peeps, just a quick question. Do these two plants look about ready to flower? The stem reaches about 14inches, Nearly 7weeks old. Do you think i will get a decent yield out of them if i was to start flowering them now? I was thinking about leaving them untill my AK47 Auto was...
  19. thedemon

    wassup man, just wanted to say thanks for all your threads and posts have taught me. You seem...

    wassup man, just wanted to say thanks for all your threads and posts have taught me. You seem like a knowlegable person. Demon
  20. thedemon

    watering/ nutes

    From my experience and what ive read on RIU to get this experience is to put your finger about 3inches deep, if it is Damp then you dont need to water. Everytime my plants need watering i mix a pint glass with 2ml of my plant nutes and then soak the soil each plant. If you have babies in a...