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  1. electriclettuce

    Lights For Veg Stage?

    Thanks guys, got my hands on a different setup but Ive still got cool white bulbs. Its a special growbox that takes U shaped flourescents.
  2. electriclettuce

    Lights For Veg Stage?

    I have 6, 4ft flourescent bulbs in cool white. Will they be adequate to carry 2 plants through their veg stage before I move them outside to natural light?
  3. electriclettuce

    ONE Plant

    Thanks guys I dont think I will be upgrading at any point. I live with several roomies, and they NEVER go in my room (even if they did, they wouldnt care, they are stoners themselves), but I dont want to intrude on their space if I choose to grow indoors. So one or two plants is probably all I...
  4. electriclettuce

    ONE Plant

    was that the plant that yielded just under an ounce? if so, i might do something similiar.
  5. electriclettuce

    ONE Plant

    What you just said is about perfect. Im mostly wondering what kind of container to use, wattage...etc. In other words, whats the ideal setup for one or two plants?
  6. electriclettuce

    ONE Plant

    A lot of the advice for growing I see here is for large or at least multiple plant growers. Does anyone have any advice if I want to just grow one or two plants for personal use?
  7. electriclettuce

    Growing by the River

    Awesome, those are really good ideas. The spot is only accessible by hiking down a really steep slope with thick brush and fallen logs everywhere. I didn't think deer could get down there but I guess theyre pretty adventurous. Thanks for the tips, Rep for you.
  8. electriclettuce

    Growing by the River

    The spot I found, Im certain Im the only one that goes there. Sunlight can reach it fine, and the only animals I have to be worried about are deer, and I dont think they can or will go down there. Good advice though.
  9. electriclettuce

    Automatic Strains?

    Thanks. Maybe I will try doing it the OG way first. Who knows?
  10. electriclettuce

    Automatic Strains?

    Thanks, that made it much clearer. From that, I think I might try an automatic strain, but what If I plan to grow outdoors?
  11. electriclettuce

    Growing by the River

    Thanks for the reassurance. I think I found the perfect spot, about 10 meters from a secluded piece of driftwood that my friends and I occasionally toke on. Any other advice?
  12. electriclettuce

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey whats up, havent grown yet but the seeds are in the mail! Cant wait to get started, this looks like a good place to go for advice.
  13. electriclettuce

    Automatic Strains?

    Wow, thanks a lot for all the quick help, but I might be more of a beginner than I thought. Can anyone go into a little more detail? I read the lingo thread...but some input from one of you guys might be better.
  14. electriclettuce

    Growing by the River

    I live in a town with a river running through the middle. Does the soil near rivers usually make a good medium? I dont think its too sandy or rocky, so if I could find a very secluded spot, would you recommend it?
  15. electriclettuce

    Automatic Strains?

    Im thinking about growing just one or two plants. Ive been around small grows before, so I have some basic knowledge, but my question is: As a beginner, will these "automatic" strains that, as far as Ive heard, flower by time instead of by light cycle, be much easier for me to work with?