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  1. BudFreak420

    why do you get high, please share, get it off your chest man youll feel better

    "Quote"now you OH MY GOD i just came thats some good shit i need more story like these i know that its not what i think but its fun to pertends in colledge i was the weed man and i lived off campass and i would have a lot of lesbian come over and smoke nothing movie like happend i tryed and...
  2. BudFreak420

    why do you get high, please share, get it off your chest man youll feel better

    i started smoking with 2 lesbians friends that were a couple years older than me . cross the street turned it down couple time them wanted to know what he hype was bout and ever since then toke as much as i can i get high just to feel good and enjoy life in a different way.
  3. BudFreak420

    Space Needed For Areoponics

    i was wondering for the winter growing will be indoors and my question is what is the smallest space i can put an aeroponic system in for 2 plant maby 3? and a requirement would have to be it has to be in some sort of grow ox can this be done?
  4. BudFreak420

    Opinion of my new cfl Stealth box

    White works but in my opinion u should get some reflective materials to line the box with i usually use aluminum foil and it definitely helps
  5. BudFreak420

    How Much Do You Smoke?

    ill buy a 1/4 or so sit down with 2 of my buddys roll one up and then start packing up the bong and whatever other glass we have with us and just smoke it till its gone then smoke the jay about an hour ,after we get done smoking the rest of the 1/4 , to get bumped up for the ride home lol or...
  6. BudFreak420

    Best Food When High

    i remember one time just completely baked we took tapioca and some peach type pudding and 2 chewy bars broken up and life cereal and stirred it all up and sounds not so great but delicious it was XD
  7. BudFreak420

    Cops Searching you

    also the po po cannot search your car under suspicion they have to have visible evidence of marijuana or other drugs in the car as in roachs or anything so keep that shit hidden and they wont have a rite to search your car.
  8. BudFreak420

    Cops Searching you

    yeah barry cooper is someone to check out on youtube pr whatever alot of good info for when u get pulled over and knowing your rights and what not it is definitely worth ur time to hit up youtube and just watch some vidios on on ur rights with cops searching ur car and what to do so they dont...
  9. BudFreak420

    OMG! A Wolf!!!

    deer u can just surround ur plant with like 4 pound test fishing line about every six inches untill u could imagine a deer couldnt eat over it and that should do the trick a couple mine got munched a couple times so there a tad small now but it was for the best cuse thay have some branches going!
  10. BudFreak420

    oudoor and topping

    well sweet then topped they will get .
  11. BudFreak420

    oudoor and topping

    well we are headed to 12 on 12 off in the next couple weeks i believe
  12. BudFreak420

    Burying Fish under your soil

    :spew:trust me that smell of rotting fish is terrible and if u tried that in doors ur nose would be in for a bad surprise
  13. BudFreak420

    Where can i get pc fans????

    ehhhh wiring is a cinch and finding an adapter is even easier i got about 4 of um and it takes 2 seconds to wire it up. thats all i use is computer fans and they move plenty of air quietly
  14. BudFreak420

    well not quite this is my first year but i started back in the early winter inside so when the...

    well not quite this is my first year but i started back in the early winter inside so when the outdoor season came around i would actually have a deccent crop and plus i wanted to experiment with different styles and try tips so i would have a good yeild
  15. BudFreak420

    Smoke Weed With Tobacco???

    shit every once and a while ill roll one up with roller so i can use a filter or u can not have a filter but i prefer with a filter otherwise it gets shitty at the end. and mix in 70 percent weed and 30 percent either cloves or flavored tobacco or just some nice menthol . and if u wanna hate...
  16. BudFreak420

    oudoor and topping

    i am in Michigan and we are just now starting to get on a 12/12 schedule and i was wondering it i could top my plants still i know a couple of my plants got snacked down on my nature and they look like they are going to yield more than my ones that didnt get touched cuse well they got more...
  17. BudFreak420

    Deliberate Stretching

    Wow i dont see how this is so hard to understand but i got exactly what he was saying the first time its very simple . u streach ur plants for a short period of time for air circulation and some more light penetration to some lower leaves = bigger harvest. try it then complain people!
  18. BudFreak420

    Just Added My Last 2 sites For The Year Waiting On Harvest

    todya i just added 2 more sites to my general are i am growing and all my babys are outside to do there own thing i got 4 in one spot and 2 in the other uneven but just didnt want too many in one area i figured being cautious would always be better
  19. BudFreak420

    House got raided.

    yeah that's where shit get complicated cause in Cali it is legal and all that under state law but the feds are assholes and raid shit cause under federal law its all still illegal which the federal shouldn't be able to over rank the state cause its just stupid they have no rite to be fucking...
  20. BudFreak420

    Anyone Get New Glass Lately?

    just see who has bought or made some new glass i know i just recently bought a glass bong bout 2 feet tall just a cylinder straight up and it tokes like a champ ! beauty of Shakedown So Let Me Here What U Got Post Some Pics If U Got Um!bongsmilie