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  1. F

    FULLY AUTOMATED GROW.......remote monitor clone to harvest??

    I personally think the best idea would just be to rent out a refrigerated storage unit. those places are pretty much air tight to keep the cold in, so with a little extra attention no smell would escape. and you could disconnect the AC unit and plug your lights right into that. The cost for...
  2. F

    12 Plant Remote Grow the website is a little weird, but if you skip the intro thing and read about the stuff for a while its pretty interesting. Its like a gel that holds water, and releases it slowly into the ground as the plants need it. the quart sized ones are supposed to water a...
  3. F

    12 Plant Remote Grow

    thanks im using the soil thats there probably, its old forest soil thats been doing nothing but composting for hundreds of years anyways, its probably got everything i need right there. Ill likely put some mulch in the ground with the soil, and feed the plants maybe a compost tea several times...
  4. F

    12 Plant Remote Grow

    I have 12 plants grown from seed indoors, unfortunately it is an unknown strain, but the high was good, and i would be more then happy with it. Im fairly certain it is a kush, or at the very least indica dominant as the fan leaves are very broad. I have a remote grow site facing south, but...
  5. F

    First Outdoor Grow

    The plant already has about 2-3 grams of buds on it. I know what im talking about when it comes to weight and stuff of that nature. I estimated closer to a half oz because its only may, and the plant is not very old. Correct me if im wrong but the growing season doesnt usually end before...
  6. F

    First Outdoor Grow

    Haha thanks, im pretty sure we've already got enough for a joint, im thinking itll maybe produce a half an ounce at this point if we continue to just let it do its thing maybe more maybe less though. Its in really good soil, i think that should be noted as well.
  7. F

    First Outdoor Grow

    So this is what has come of what was supposed to be an outdoor nft hydro setup. Its a roughly 14" plant that was pretty badly root bound in a quarter to a half gallon pot for a long while. It was started in a little paper cup, and then transplanted to this small flower pot after about a week...
  8. F

    Outdoor plant it and leave it

    Well unfortunately i am still in the process of getting my card, and got rolled up on my a police man while i had my seeds on me. rat bastard took them and my trees and didnt cite me or my buddy. guarantee hes smoking all the stuff he never had to report to evidence. in either case, my seeds...
  9. F

    Outdoor plant it and leave it

    I've actually decided im now going start with more like 60 seeds, and they wont all be right in one spot because i dont want to attract too much attention, and i wont be able to afford that many car batteries or anything. With eight or so of the good plants though ill take your advice only I...
  10. F

    Outdoor plant it and leave it

    Thanks thats good advice about the time released nutes, I'm looking to have this grow all organic because I cant stand the taste of chemicals, so I was probably going to feed the plants with some sort of compost tea, do you know of any timed released organic nutes. if there is such a thing lol
  11. F

    Outdoor plant it and leave it

    Okay so here's the plan essentially. I don't have time this summer to tend to my crop full time and really get the quality I should be going for, because I am going to be working more or less full time. For this reason I am planning an all natural grow so to speak. I have access to a secluded...
  12. F

    Outdoor N.F.T.?

    Yeah i plan on burying the reservoir both to keep it cool and to make the whole set up look less conspicuous should someone manage to spot it. My only real concern is whether the pump will continue to work at night, seeing as there is no sun. Or will it even be an issue if the plants go...
  13. F

    Outdoor N.F.T.?

    Okay so I'm essentially a first time grower, I've dabbled with it before, but nothing serious, and never with any intent of harvesting a large yield. However, I have recently sprouted two plants, from bag seeds, and have a safe place to grow them. I also came upon a $50 girt certificate to...