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  1. S

    keeping a 6400k in flower

    thanks mate for the quick reply appreciate it. +rep for you!!
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    keeping a 6400k in flower

    hey guys, so im changing to 12/12 in the next few days. have 2 bag seed plants under 2 130w 6400k. would it be adequate to only change one of the bulbs to a 2700k during flower and leave the other 6400k running as the 2700k as pretty dam expensive where im from. im sure one is already male...
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    is this nitrogen def??????

    Hey guys, just wondering if anyone could tell me if the 4th pic looks like a male. Should i take it away from my other plants now as it has the small berries that seem to indicate a male sex??
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    is this nitrogen def??????

    hey guys, what is going on with one of my plants. is it nitrogen deficiency. if so what do i do to fix the probelm. im running nutes 3-1-2 full strength now as its a month into veg. also are they male pre-flowers on it. any help would be appreciated. cheers
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    super nooobs first grow

    hahaha, cheers mate for your help. finally someone has replied. +rep for u buddy. does anyone have any idea of the strains. cheers
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    correct nutes

    cheers for the help guys, both bottles combined gives that N-P-K reading. the girls are in there 4th week now so they are ready for the nutes. i have been doing a heap of reading and a lot of N-P-K readings are like 10-8-10 for example. obviously this is more potent but after reaching the...
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    gay plants

    hahaha, im sure you could even see that there males judging by those photos. sorry dude.
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    Top of plant healthy, bottom wilting...

    what nutes are you using and whats the N-P-K lvl. cheers
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    correct nutes

    ok so a couple of questions, i have bought some nutes for my girls. it has an A and B formula 3-1-1. would that be enough N-P-k for the plants veg cycle. it says to mix 5 ml per bottle with 1lt of water. also how often should i be giving it the nutes as it dosent have an indication. cheers
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    super nooobs first grow

    ok so here is an update of it all. the girls are going good. started putting them on full strength nutes now. 4-3-1, do you think that is adequate enough. i dont have a lot of room in my cupboard so i am thinking about putting them into flower this week. do you think they are ready?? also i...
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    super nooobs first grow

    so i am thinking about giving them one more week of veg and then switching to 12/12 cause they still grow a fair bit during flower and we are limited to space. do you think after one more week they will be right to go under 12/12. anyone have any ideas os the strains yet??
  12. S

    super nooobs first grow

    cheers mate for the support. the blue thing is one of the fans. its blowing straight down ontop of them whislt the one on the right hand side blows across them. i forgot to mention i also topped both the girls for the first time. cheers
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    super nooobs first grow

    well have done quit a bit over the last 2 days. bought some nutes for the girls and gave them there first quater dose. it dosent say on the bottles (both A and B mix) what frequency to give it to them i.e once a week/ every water.. i have moved the plants to my mates house as well. i live on...
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    super nooobs first grow

    well its day 18 now and they are looking good. one of the plants has taken of probably because of its different strain. the other girl is staying short and bushy. i havent got any nutes yet, not to sure on whatto get. there going so well at the moment i dont want to stuff anything up but i no...
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    First CFL grow

    jeeze it was looking amazing to. sorry to inform you dude but yeh she is a he. goodluck with ur next grow mate, im sure it will go well.
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    super nooobs first grow

    cheers mate, im currently at uni and if growiing marijuana was a uni course, the amount of time i spend on this site reading up about it all, i would be getting HD's all round hahaha. cheers for the support mate. im positive now is day 16, that they are two different strains. cheers
  17. S

    Noob Alert First hydro Dripper positioning help PLEASE

    look great mate. how often are you given them nutes. how many days since sprouting are they now. cheers
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    super nooobs first grow

    hahahahahah so random but cool. are they yours??
  19. S

    super nooobs first grow

    wow looking unreal, how dense is your little girl. did u figure out what was happening to the bottom leaves. nute burn or from the foil or what. are yours under equivalant 200w or actual 200w CFL's. cheers
  20. S

    My First Grow - Again.

    looking unreal, cant wait to see how they well they flower. so how many 2700k bulbs are you running now on 12/12. are you still running some 6400k at the same time. cheers