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  1. D

    question about flush :/

    When you have first sign of the piston hairs turning red (or brown) it is a good idea to flush them with plain water (ph 5-7 depending on what you prefer). The amount of water is about 3 times the size of your pot (3 Liter pot = 9 liters water). Watering them with that amount of water is called...
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    First LowStressTraining grow under CFL's

    Thanks... This has been kind of a trial and error thing. As you can see on one of the pic's, a stem just snapped when i was bending it (plant in the background, upper left corner). It never recovered from that so i had to get rid of it, a shame but necessary.
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    First LowStressTraining grow under CFL's

    Hey there, I have been growing for about a year now and gotten 3 harvests out of it. It's a closet grow up so space is clearly a factor in how much, how big and how many plants I can have. Being an engineer student (kinda sticks with you in your problem solving area) I was trying to maximize...
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    burnt tops of plants...what can you do??

    It just dies and withers away... don't have to worry about that. Can cut it off if you want... just what u prefer... This is a part of a teqnique that allows you to get more colas out of a single plant. And that up's your yield. ;)
  5. D

    burnt tops of plants...what can you do??

    Hey, I had the same thing happen to one of mine, also a friend had the same thing happen... In our cases the burnt part just died and the plant kept on growing anyway... And it also made it split into 5 colas @ my friends plant but into 2 colas in mine. That may be just luck, but i think it...
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    Picking Seeds for my next crop

    Hi there... I'm starting to pick seeds for my next crop and i'm having a hard time choosing. As of now i'm more into Indicas, last crop was sativa and i'd like a change. Hybrids are also in the picture... I was wondering what strains you like preferably if you know of any good high...
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    Not looking so good...

    Nope no fan leafes left... Most of them where dying, so i trimmed them down, also to get more light to the buds that are growing just right out of the soil. You could be right about fan leafes supporting the light to the buds.. but the other one has no big fan leafes either and those buds are...
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    Not looking so good...

    Okay, thanx for your help, i'll definetely look into other nutes.. There is one hydro shop around here, ill go check it out :) And regarding the Pollination, I've checked on that, no signs of "pregnancy" on them... There was one very small clone i took that looked like it was seeding, but i...
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    Not looking so good...

    Hmmm why don't the like that super bloom stuff? To much P ? I've been using very little of it, half the amount recommended... One says deficiancy, one too much.. I have been experimenting with changes to see if the do something, changing one thing at a time, more nutes, less nutes, change...
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    Not looking so good...

    Hi there.. I'm 9 weeks into my first Sativa dominant grow (dont know what strain excactly, got the seeds from dirt weed i bought) and i have been having alot of trouble with my babies... I'm growing in soil (Closet grow setup) and using a 125w CFL bulb. I've got a fan on them. My Ph has been...
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    Would like an opinion...

    Okay, i did not know that. Thanks for that.
  12. D

    Would like an opinion...

    Okay, thanks for that. I'll spread my watering periods more out, wait longer.. I am using a very general type of nutrient, something like AllGrow (not that, but a similar name). Im mixing one cap of that (probably about 5 ml) into 2 liters of tap water (the tap water here is the best). So i...
  13. D

    Smoking a bud to early...

    Yeah, that's what i thought... I wasn't planning on smoking those, i've got enough perfectly good weed. I was just curious as to what the effect would be. There is a fair amount of crystals formed on them, which you see best from the top, but not from that pic... kinda irrellivant, cause...
  14. D

    Smoking a bud to early...

    I was sitting here at home, watching a documentary about Cannabis and generally just chilling... and i started wondering (yub, somewhat baked) i am growing my own little beauties, but they're not ready. What would happen if i smoked them now .... Would i experience nausea or any bad symptoms...
  15. D

    Would like an opinion...

    Okay, thanks.. They are a little, off i think, but that maybe just me being over-eager .. It is my first, and maybe as most might know, im really excited that my plants are blooming. And i am aware of the fact that overwatering is a really general first growers mistake :)
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    Would like an opinion...

    Hi there, I'm a first time grower, and i have been using rollitup for the whole time. But the search thingy is not as good as i'd hoped it would be, so i would really appreciate your opinion.... Here is a short spec list of what i have and know about my beauties; I use a 150w CFL bulb, it's...
  17. D

    Help! Leaves dying ...?

    Okay thanks for that. It was the first thing that i thought was going on... just standard fall behaviour of a plant. Thank you though, and i will look into those HPS, although where i'm from that isn't all that easy to come by...
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    Help! Leaves dying ...?

    That's just one plant that got a little bit burned a while back, the top burnt off, and it split into two stems so you're just seeing the top of the plant there. It's about 44 inches tall (110 cm or so)... But what i am referring as the problem is that it had a nice bush of leaves a couple of...
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    Help! Leaves dying ...?

    Help me please, this is my first grow and i am having some problems... She's already in about the 3rd week of flowering, this started to happen just after about a week after flowering, or 2 weeks ago. It's a very small indoor soil grow with an 150w CFL bulb. The nutrients i use are store...