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  1. camroneck

    Questions regarding flushing

    I have seven lovely ladies, green crack, in coco fiber. They are are on their last week of flowering now, The trichs are just starting to turn amber. The plants are pretty small, one-two ounces expected from each. They have been fed the full fox farm nut cycle since I received them as little...
  2. camroneck

    Super HPS or MH for vegitation

    I have always gone full cycle with HPS. For most of the veg cycle I use some full spectrum CFLs in addition to the HPS to provide a more ideal lighting spectrum. I continue to have great results to this day.
  3. camroneck

    How long to flush

    I have seven lovely ladies, green crack, in coco fiber. They are are on their last week of flowering now, The trichs are just starting to turn amber. The plants are pretty small, one-two ounces expected from each. They have been fed the full fox farm nut cycle since I received them as little...
  4. camroneck

    yellowing leafs ?

    When your plant is flowering it is essentially dying. Yellowing leaves are to be expectedas all plant production is put into flower production. Especially closer to harvest. Only cut off a leaf that looks 50% healthy. If you are cutting off a ton of leaves within the first few weeks of 12/12...
  5. camroneck

    Veg plants under Mh light, then move outdoor for flowering? would this work?

    it's getting late in the year. if you can't pull this off in your area, just get a 400 watt hps and go indoor the whole way. You can get a half pound off 4-6 plants this way.
  6. camroneck

    three 400watt hps lights in a series?

    I just finished my first grow with one 400 watt hps light. I am starting construction on the new grow room soon, and was thinking of running a series of three 400 watt hps lights in a row. I plan on buying a large fan for the room, but I was wondering if my 125cfm in-line fan would be enough...
  7. camroneck

    when to fertilize

    If your still in veg, you need high nitrogen levels to promote growth. If the plant doesn't have enough nitrogen, the leaves will start to turn light green, then yellow-green, then yellow. If your unsure and want to play it safe and not overfertilize, wait for this to start. Like Phenom420...
  8. camroneck

    What's Good Rollers?

    If they are well rooted and cut from a mature mother then you can send them straight to flower. I would make sure it's been two weeks since she cut them, any earlier and you might not have substancial root growth. depending on how long it's been since she clipped them, you might be able to get...
  9. camroneck

    Very new need advice for indoor grow

    I just posted this on someones thread a couple days ago; Here is a great table I found for Minimum Container size: Plant Age-------------------- Container Size 1-3 weeks-------------------- Root Cube 2-6 weeks--------------------...
  10. camroneck

    i need help!! first time grow

    I will admit that I have never grown hydro myself, but a few friends in my circle swear by that route. I think I have seen enough with them to see your problem From what I understand the point of hydro, besides exact nutrient balance, is to simulate flood/drought scenarios. when you flood your...
  11. camroneck

    i need help!! first time grow

    You can sex your plant when they naturally produce preflowers after becoming mature plants. If this takes to long and your ready to start flowering, kick them into 12/12 once they are mature. Your plants are mature enough to flower when the new leaf sets start growing staggered as opposed to...
  12. camroneck

    i need help!! first time grow

    disregard the feed/watering statement, forgot your in hydro.
  13. camroneck

    i need help!! first time grow

    Any water put on the leaves during photoperiod will cause those burns. Spraying or splashing leaves helps during seeding/cloning, but isn't that important thereafter, except to keep your leaves/plants clean. Dirty plants are prone to disease/mold as the stomata (microscopic holes in the leaves...
  14. camroneck

    i need help!! first time grow

    Looks great from the pics. What are you using for lights? Only thing I could see was a few spots on one of the girls leaves. Are you spraying the leaves at all? if you do with the light on, the water can bead and act like little magnifying glasses and burn the leaves. This is not a...
  15. camroneck

    when to harvest

    Not to worry. You have to remember that marijuana has natural cycles, and the later stage of the flowering cycle is the plant dying. All reserve nutrients are being used in a last push to get those flowers pollinated. The goal of your plant right now is to form seeds and pass on genetics, so...
  16. camroneck

    eating/smoking/vaporizing shrooms?

    The first time I did shrooms I bought an eighth, I was the only one who had any so I ate most and smoked a bowl with my friends to "share". Remember....I was only 18. We smoked out of a pipe and it tasted like shit. after a couple of hits no one could bare the taste anymore. I fried hard...
  17. camroneck

    Advice. Advice.

    with one 400 watt hps, I would grow four-six plants depending on space and veg time. Any more and they would be fighting for lumens. remember your plants will double or tripple in size during your first five-six weeks of flowering
  18. camroneck

    Very new need advice for indoor grow

    I agree with growin4myhead. Steer clear of MG soil as the nutrients in the soil are not ideal for any stage of marijuana growing. As to your question, that light will grow your plants just fine, but you might have a hard time seeding them. Hit your local hydro store and pick up a couple of 2'...
  19. camroneck

    !PICS! how shud i go about fixing this?

    That is a young plant. You should have listened to what everyone said about straight water. In early stages weed plants (depending on strain) should receive anywhere from 1/4-1/2 strength nuts than that of a mature plant. Go down to wallmart and get some distilled water and SLOWLY water your...
  20. camroneck

    how long do you veg clones?

    A weed plant is mature enough to flower when the nodes stop growing adjacent. When you see the new nodes begin to grow stagared your lady is mature. With clones it takes about two weeks to root. I would say wait until the ladies are 12"-18" then flower for a good yield. I began to flower my...