i need help!! first time grow


Looks great from the pics. What are you using for lights? Only thing I could see was a few spots on one of the girls leaves. Are you spraying the leaves at all? if you do with the light on, the water can bead and act like little magnifying glasses and burn the leaves. This is not a significant issue though and your plants look great.


Well-Known Member
Hey this is my first grow and definetly my first time using a hydroponic system ive been watching very closely and it looks good but hey who am i i to say, u let me know

bro nice fuckin indica thats my next project and let me know how she :joint:`s ok


Active Member
no i dont spay them should i? but the spots are from picking them up and turning them for light water splash ya kno


Any water put on the leaves during photoperiod will cause those burns. Spraying or splashing leaves helps during seeding/cloning, but isn't that important thereafter, except to keep your leaves/plants clean. Dirty plants are prone to disease/mold as the stomata (microscopic holes in the leaves become clogged and cannot function properly. However, a plant with excess moisture is prone to mold and diseases as well, especially as there is more and more vegitation and high humidity becomes an issue. The key is to find the happy medium to eliminate all risk factors.
I would suggest getting a green light bulb and a small compact lamp for it so you can do work in your space when the lights are off. The plants will not photosynthesize green light well as they reflect most of it, so the effect is less than that of clear moonlight in nature.
This allows you to essentially work "at night" which is night to your plants(my lights come on at 10pm to minimize high temps.) If you mist, splash, or spray the leaves with water, it's best to do this "at night" as the water has time to evaporate before harmfull light rays burn your leaves. Think of this as a subtle summer rain in the cool of the night, plants love it. Also, feeding and watering is best done in the "morning" so try do do all of that stuff as soon as the lights fire up.
Down the road......THC content is at it's peak in the morning, so harvest when your plants are conditioned to having the light come on.


You can sex your plant when they naturally produce preflowers after becoming mature plants. If this takes to long and your ready to start flowering, kick them into 12/12 once they are mature. Your plants are mature enough to flower when the new leaf sets start growing staggered as opposed to symetrical. That is when the leaves on the main stem stop growing together one on each side instead growing left first, then right, then so on.


Active Member
yeah dude cool that sounds great im gonna get a green light tonight ye but i dont think there mature enough to 12/12 its har to tell if i even see preflowers i dont know what they look like hey but they sure do stink they smell like chronic


Active Member
hey babs it is hydro the babies are in expanded clay or what you would call hydroton but there is soil a 1/2 inch at the top just to fill the pot


Well-Known Member
Rugz, I'm just curious....what's the purpose of the soil on top???
Plants do look very healthy.


Active Member
the purpose is that i wanted the pots to be filled to the top and flat so thats why the soil is there


Active Member
hey guys i just check on the babies and the oldest girl is droopy and my ph is acidic and cant find the fuckin ph up wat do i do heeeeeeelpppp imma post pics in a sec


Active Member
yep its definite my wife threw it away by accident man i wanna just slap tha dogg shit outta her


Active Member
ye so i got some new ph and its fine now but still droopy i dont know wats wrong could it be the humidity ?