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  1. razar100


    New place for it
  2. razar100


    yeah i put a fan on it and it has alot of steam growth and top growth i blieve
  3. razar100

    Noob question

    Will a 60 watt cfl soft white light be good in a 12 x 12inch box im usin it for flowing at vegging since i dont got money to get a warm light for vegging? i also have a 100 watt one
  4. razar100


    Update and picks it looks way better dont u think?
  5. razar100

    Question #2

    put it out out on my front porch it has a roof over it and shade and i just put 2 cup of water since im gaun b gone 3 days.....
  6. razar100

    Question #2

    ok my plant is 5 wweeks old it had some major nute burn and then i transplanted it into normal soil but most of teh root got riped up..... But here the real question im going on vaction for 3 days so im put my plant out side will he die from teh inside ot outside change + my plant is just...
  7. razar100


    okey she had a little left its just looking kind of sad for right now il post sumthin in the next 2 days
  8. razar100


    well i flushed nthen i tokk all the MG dirt out n used some normal potting soil(i think i riped all of the roots) as for growing i cant ceep it out side nothing to hide it. and if the place that i can hide it dosnt get that much main concern is that it dosnt die...if it dose got wait 7...
  9. razar100


    my set is a 12 by 12 by 12 metal box with a 100 watt Bight efects soft white light bulb in it
  10. razar100


    no i moved him out side for right now....and i allready transplanted him but i think must if his roots got f'ed up i mean raly realy f'ed up.....
  11. razar100


    well the soil has those nute balls in i gess so it got nute burned very badly i dont know if its save able.......and about the seeds i gess i have to wait untill skool start if he dies and i know it is agnest da rules.
  12. razar100


    5 week but a major updated happend super nute burn with my MG soil so i flushed n she looks so bad...she might not make has sadend me cuz i have no seeds cuz i cant find them..
  13. razar100

    My first grow 5 weeks in.

    im realy worries about it it looks even sadder now...hopfuly it come threw but if not im calling my budies for seeds
  14. razar100

    My first grow 5 weeks in.

    i fushed the shit out of it and moved it out side i hope it lives other wise no growing untill school starts.
  15. razar100

    My first grow 5 weeks in.

    yup it is florescent.
  16. razar100

    free seeds

    ill take ur advice i wast to get any i was tryin to get idea of were i can get some of them that is all...
  17. razar100

    My first grow 5 weeks in.

    ok i plant my plant 5 weeks ago when school ended n iv had 1 porblem witch i blieve is over there any way i can make my plant grow faster i had her in a 12 by 12 by 12 box with a 100 watt soft white light bulb 24/7 light and just resently i toped my plant realy im going to veg for...
  18. razar100

    free seeds from the attitude

    what u mean buy free seeds dont u gota pay for them? i dont have any sed left my last plant i 5 weeks only and its summer so i cant get seeds of the dealers since i only c them at school
  19. razar100

    free seeds

    =( that sux... at attitude u have to buy them? i have no money what so i cant even get nutes for my plant that i have right now so it just grown on sun lgiht n
  20. razar100

    free seeds

    dose any know of a place were i could get some free seeds because no more school = no weed and no weed = no seeds....:sad::weed: