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    Here's my Zong :)
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    do i have ocd or somthing?

    I hope you mind me chiming in here, but the condition youre describing is technically referred to as Trichotillomania, or Trichotillosis. It is an impulse control disorder, like OCD. It is usually triggered by stress or anxiety. It is often in the same category as nail bitting, compulsive...
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    1st CFL grow, opinions wanted

    thanks guys appreciate it ;) I swear its like watching paint dry, I check it 10 times a day lol...
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    1st CFL grow, opinions wanted

    Hot damn Uncle Ben that is awesome, thanks so much!
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    1st CFL grow, opinions wanted

    Thanks for the speedy reply Uncle Ben. I did germ them in a paper towel. I wont make that mistake again. The one that I let germ the longest is one having the most problems. I moved the lights much closer, thanks for the advice. Hopefully at least one of my girls will make it out alive, lol..
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    1st CFL grow, opinions wanted

    the cotyledons of my BB are yellowing, the first NL is coming along nicely, and the second still hasn't grown any.
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    1st CFL grow, opinions wanted

    will do Mikey.
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    1st CFL grow, opinions wanted

    I'm sticking my finger a few inches into the soil to check. It's bone dry after a few days, but they're still drooping.
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    1st CFL grow, opinions wanted

    I actually do have seemorebud's book, it's pretty cool. I want to let it veg as long as possible, if they make it lol.. two of them are droopy and kinda sickly.
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    1st CFL grow, opinions wanted

    Does the Big Bang look stunted to you guys? I cant say how long I'm going to veg, they seem to be growing a tad slow. I have almost 6ft of height and 3 feet of width to work with. As far as flowering goes, Lowe's has 6 packs of 2700k 23w bulbs for around $11 so I'm going to pick up a package...
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    1st CFL grow, opinions wanted

    hey everyone, thanks for looking. This is my first grow ever. It's 3 plants, 2 NL and 1 Big Bang. Here are some photos. Any critiques, suggestions, or ideas are most welcome. Ignore the 90 degree high on the thermostat, the high in the closet is about 82 degrees max. 8-23w cfls. Day 9 photos...
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    Day 5- too small??

    thanks Andy, SLK. I appreciate the words of encouragement, and the advice. I actually let the big bang pre germ too long and the shell of the seed fell off when I picked it up. It worried me, but it ended up being the biggest thus far. I"m putting Ninja's homemade co2 container in there...
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    Day 5- too small??

    Thanks for all the advise Talon I really appreciate it ;) +rep back at ya. :) Jimmy that's funny bro.!! I've started to have the weird pot growing dreams too.
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    Day 5- too small??

    sweet, I was really worried, lol thanks. You know how it is when it's your first. checking every 20 mins lol..
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    Day 5- too small??

    it's 5 days since the BB popped from soil line , 4 days since the NL popped. All were pre germed used the paper towel method. Thanks for the advise Talon. ;)
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    Day 5- too small??

    Here are the girls at day 5, are they growing slowly, or is it just the anxiousness of the first time? How do they look? I appreciate any opinions. It's 6-23w cfls; 1 Big Bang and 2 Northern Lights. RH is around 40% and temp is approx. 77F. Thanks so much :joint:
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    DIY: Home Made CO2 Guide

    A tablespoon of yeast is a close approximation of what is added to wine during fermentation. It does put off quite a lot of CO2. It's enough to bow the lid on a sealed 6 gal bucket for almost 2 weeks. Even through the bucket you can smell it 5-6 feet away. I think it would do really well for a...
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    DIY: Home Made CO2 Guide

    Great Idea Ninja!! That piece is called a twin bubble air lock. It's used in releasing co2 from fermenting wine by home brewers. You can find them for around a $1 each at your local brew store, or at any brew supply online. +rep
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    5 Products Better than Miracle Grow & under $10 At your local Home Depot

    Shylas, you sir are a big ol pimp ;) mad +rep to you. thanks ;) I just asked this question yesterday.
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    no FF soil in my area, suggestion for grow medium??

    +rep to you guys thanks ;)