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  1. supernova29

    how long before harvest?

    Thanks for the advise.
  2. supernova29

    how long before harvest?

    This is my AK48, its been flowring now for around 4 weeks. I`m a new grower so was just wondering when the best time to harvest is? Thanks.
  3. supernova29

    is it ok.

    keep the temp between 80-85f for flowering, humidity around 50%. just make sure you keep those ph levels ok and your routine of nutes the same. Then just wait until ready to harvest. Im at at the same stage myself prob around another month to go unitl my harvest.
  4. supernova29

    Getting Worried!!

    How close is that 600w light? Might be to much for the little one. Why you using spring water?
  5. supernova29

    3 weeks into flowering. Looking good??

    Yeah yeah honest. You know what it is i just read this site first got everything i needed then baboom. All organic aswell, the stuff set me back around £100.00 incuding seeds. I'm a bit green fingered to start with so maybe that helps, surely its different from carrots thou ha ha!
  6. supernova29

    3 weeks into flowering. Looking good??

    Cheers for comments. Any ideas on the yellowing?
  7. supernova29

    3 weeks into flowering. Looking good??

    Nellyatcha i know i aint got much knowledge but yours looks a bit streched. I have always kept my 200w hps 6" above me plant, not to arsed on length really. Just off reading this i found to keep it close as you can. What strain is yours?
  8. supernova29

    3 weeks into flower. Looking good??

    I vegged for only 4 weeks really, couldnt wait any longer tut tut but worked out ok i guess. 3 seeds planted 3 females not normally my luck ha ha. Any ideas about the yellow leaves. Was only watering pure water untill 3 days ago unitl i started feeding them. Those feed pellets any good??
  9. supernova29

    3 weeks into flowering. Looking good??

    These are my Ak48's 3 weeks into flowering. This is my first grow so would appreciate any comments. Thanks.
  10. supernova29

    3 weeks into flower. Looking good??

    These are my Ak48's 3 weeks into flowering This is my first grow and just wondering if they look ok. Apprciate any comments!
  11. supernova29

    My leaves are turning bright yellow??? (PICS)

    Ive stopped given them Nutes altogether. They just get pure water all the time now, well from about 4 days ago. When i was given them nutes i feed them once per week. 2.5ml to every ltr of water.
  12. supernova29

    My leaves are turning bright yellow??? (PICS)

    Ive noticed this happen over the last week or two. I havent really changed any routine to what im doing ie. water with boiled then cooled water every three days, 12/12 lighting about 6" above plants (250w Sodium). The plants are 7 weeks old now 4 weeks veg. Temp is around 81-85c during light...
  13. supernova29

    My Leaves curling down (pics)

    Ok cheers i'll put that into practice. Thanks for the reply's guys.
  14. supernova29

    My Leaves curling down (pics)

    I`m using Bio-Bizz soil. I put 2.5ml to every ltr of water using Bio-Grow. The Ph seems to hang about between 6.5-6.8. Feed on every water which is once every 3 days.
  15. supernova29

    My Leaves curling down (pics)

    These are Ak-48`s about 6 weeks old 1 week into flowering. 250w halide light about 10" from plant with fan to cool..temp normally around 23c. I water them once every 2 days until the water pours out the bottom of the pot (is that to much?) The leaves are starting to curl down for some reason...