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  1. F

    Reflector/Bulb direction in rectangular tent

    Could you clarify with a diagram of what i *should* be doing :)
  2. F

    Reflector/Bulb direction in rectangular tent

    Yeah i think i may have it wrong at the moment then, mine is like this ---------------------------- < (bulb) > ----------------------------
  3. F

    Reflector/Bulb direction in rectangular tent

    Hey Guys I got a 3 foot by 1.5 foot tent with a 400watt HPS light with a reflector similar to this I was wondering do i want to mount it so the bulb is going long ways along the tent or so the bulb is facing towards the shorter...
  4. F

    5 weeks flowering, bit yellow [pics]

    Whats up guys, i posted awhile a go about a plant with a bit of a stem issue, she seems to be fine now 5 weeks into flowering (stem still looks a bit rotty but the plant doesn't seem to give a shit) except some of the leaves are going quite yellow ive read this is pretty normal but i thought id...
  5. F

    Weird stem issue

    Yeah ive moved the perlite away, i gave it a bit of a soak when i first put it in but probably not too well. Ive also turned the hose 150 degrees around so it drips outwards, its dried up pretty good but it does look alayer of the plant skin is missing, and there is some whiteness, looks like...
  6. F

    Weird stem issue

    Here are some pics i took with my phone, excuse the quality and bare in mind this is bellow the regular surface line, i have moved some perlite away upto its original rockwool surface. I threw in a pic of her also, shes 2 weeks into flowering.
  7. F

    Weird stem issue

    I shall try and get a pic up tomorrow, if it was rot id think itd be black all over tho it only is at the very surface, the weirdness beneath the surface doesnt look rotted or anything just like theres no outer layer skin on the plant. I was thinking maybe that goes away as the plant was put...
  8. F

    Weird stem issue

    Hey i got quite a big plant going in perlite, just switched over to flowering 2 weeks ago but im noticing some weirdness around the base of the stem... First i noticed a little bit of blackness and assumed it was just algae like there is on perlite but digging deeper under the soil line the...
  9. F

    Leaves growing more little leaves

    Hey, Got this outside plant i started growing awhile ago for the hell of it, not really a problem so far but im noticing some of the leaves are very very weird, they seem to be growing smaller sets of little leaves right above the joining of the leaves to the main leaf connection point or in...
  10. F

    Weird black rust spots

    Hey all, Ive had this clone in for a few weeks now and shes been getting these blackish brown rust spots that look like some kind of mold, everything ive tried hasn't stopped it spreading so far like bodeaux and various other black spot sprays. Worried it could be coming from the growing...
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    Feeedback, First grow, almost done 4 weeks of flowering

    Hey, started this grow (first timer) with a few problems and limited space but she seems to have come up pretty well, I was just hopeing for some feedback on bud size etc.. and if it all looks normal for almost 4 weeks of flowering. She is under 2x400watt HPS with standard hydro nutes +...
  12. F

    Weird yellowing leaves that dont die and plant seems fine

    Hey guys, First grow and ive had this problem ever since the plant was a baby and it seems fine otherwise so im wondering if it could just be the strain? Im 5 days into flowering, watering 15mins every 4 hours with full level nutes with a ph of around 5.5 in perlite and rockwool. 2x...
  13. F

    Help :( some kind of mold/fungus? (pics)

    Hey all, just thought things were picking up with my yellowing problems and now im getting these weird spots on her they seem to be spreading around the lower older leaves that were original to the clone and all new growth is ok so far. Ive picked off the older leaves with the infection as...
  14. F

    (pics) Bright green/yellow young leaves and yellowing/drooping older

    Good question, its always been there to a degree, wasnt on the original clone cutting tho but even the spare clone i have out at the moment with no leaf issues is starting to get that so i assume its the strain and just took awhile to develop. It seems to slowly spread up in spots to new...
  15. F

    (pics) Bright green/yellow young leaves and yellowing/drooping older

    Hey, got a clone from a friend that rooted well and i've had growing for about 3 weeks now in a hydro setup with a 400watt HPS light, it seems to be going pretty well apart from a few probs. The newer leaves are quite bright green even yellowish towards the tips and outsides and some of the...
  16. F

    Yellowing and wilting

    Hey everyone, ive got a clone ive had planted for about 3 weeks now in a hydro setup, its growing quite well except some bright green/yellow new leaves and slight yellowing of the tips of the older lower ones with some drooping. Shes under a 400watt HPS light with good ventilation that keeps...
  17. F

    First time in door grow, advice on plant

    Hydro sorry forgot to mention :)
  18. F

    First time in door grow, advice on plant

    Yeah i thought it could be a PH issue, haven't got a tester yet but going to get one tomorrow. Every 4 days? so every 4 hours for 10mins is way too much or do you mean feed it more for longer then leave it for longer?
  19. F

    First time in door grow, advice on plant

    Hey all, So this is my first grow and im just wondering if anything is wrong here, some of the leaves seem quite lime green, especially the newer baby ones and i don't see much growth. I started from clones which i rooted and transplanted into the tent about a week ago, its well ventilated...