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  1. njburden

    HiJack at 3 weeks...

    beautiful plants GrowTech keep it up
  2. njburden

    Whats your stash box?

    Very nice stash GrowTech
  3. njburden

    New clones to be revealed

    Keep it up to date. im interested in cloneing
  4. njburden

    Just harvested! first all cfl grow. PICS

    nice grow. good size buds
  5. njburden

    Prescription Death

    make it legal and tax it like cigarettes, but it will never happen
  6. njburden

    Much props,had doubts at first !!!
  7. njburden

    best time to water?

    does spraying the leaves do anything for the plant? Ive just read that people say it does nothing for the plant, they compare it to people as far as if you are thirsy you drink water you dont spray it on your arms. If spraying the plants outside of watering normally does help the plant im all...
  8. njburden

    Hempy Tub Jacks Cleaner & Jillybean

    Dude that is freakin awesome
  9. njburden

    Pissing all over your plants

    Yuck this taste like shit.......Nope its piss!
  10. njburden

    6 feet tall in my closet

    Those are some VERY nice plants.
  11. njburden

    Wow... 4 out of 5 plants MALE

    Damn that sucks. I was thinking of buying bagseeds but i think i might just spened a little more money and buy feminized seeds.
  12. njburden

    Searching for 420

    national smoke day 4/20, april 20th. I cant recall any really weird places but it seems most of the time i see 420 is when telling time. I just notice it more that way
  13. njburden

    Need advice on ventilation

    Yeah it will be a few degress cooler
  14. njburden

    wtf is the deal with this plant?? pics

    What's your ph level? Alot of the time when they start to look like that people tend to add more fert thinking fthat is the problem and it just throws the ph level off even more and then the plant cant get the nurtients that is needed. I would test the ph first.
  15. njburden

    Need advice on ventilation

    Im in the process of building a small grow box in my closet. My original plan was to have only one fan running on the exhaust and just a hole for intake about 1/2 " larger then the exhaust fan which is an 80mm fan "3inch fan". My box is 5ft tall, 18in wide and 20in deep. It is only going to...
  16. njburden

    Deciding How to Grow (Limited Options)

    respect ur parents. if they say no go to the woods
  17. njburden

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey hows it going. I recently got interested in growing marijuana. Ive done my fare share of smoking in the past but here recently ive become very interested in growing. I dont know why never really thought of it before, just one day my friend found a seed and said hey if you want to grow some...
  18. njburden

    thanks for the info

    thanks for the info
  19. njburden

    hey hows it going that is one kick ass box. i was wondering what u lined the box with. im not...

    hey hows it going that is one kick ass box. i was wondering what u lined the box with. im not quite sure if im going to paint mine flat white (85% reflective) or i heard of lining it with Kool Seal suppose to be (90% reflective). Any help or advice from your use i would appreciate.