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  1. SanJoseMonster

    is there such a thing as a Growers License to grow more than your medical card allows

    Thanks everyone for the information. It has really helped me a lot. No scams needed.... I agree to grow bigger and better as well. I have included a couple of comparison pics. Here is half of one of my plants drying from my last grow. Kens GDP. The picture of all the stems hanging doesn't...
  2. SanJoseMonster

    is there such a thing as a Growers License to grow more than your medical card allows

    Sweet. Do you know how much it costs by any chance?
  3. SanJoseMonster

    is there such a thing as a Growers License to grow more than your medical card allows

    I live in Santa Clara County, Ca. and I want to know what I need legaly to be able to grow up to 99 Marijuana Plants indoors. Any help would be much appreciated.... SJM....
  4. SanJoseMonster

    1st time newbie ready to start budding process....HELP!

    Thanks man.... So do they start near the main trunk or on the shoots off of it?
  5. SanJoseMonster

    1st time newbie ready to start budding process....HELP!

    What up Gang, I'm a newbie with my first grow. Can anyone send some pics of what to look for when your plant first starts to show signs of budding and explain where on the plant they will generate from? Thanks, SJM
  6. SanJoseMonster

    Pls Help 1st Grow My babies are dying!

    I'm very new but read and read and then read some more. try starting them off in a damp to wet paper towel then transferring the sprouted seeds to a soilless growing medium ie: rockwool, peat pods, etc... After the roots grow out of your medium, then transfer to a larger pot and then a soil -...
  7. SanJoseMonster

    Hey Where Ya From?(area code)

    408 Northern Cali....You know how we do it!
  8. SanJoseMonster

    3 leaf plant help!

    Worrrrrd Bro....
  9. SanJoseMonster

    3 leaf plant help!

    Nice veg man....How old are they?
  10. SanJoseMonster

    3 leaf plant help!

    Thanks Bro! like I said....I am so new at this and every little bit of help is much appreciated
  11. SanJoseMonster

    3 leaf plant help!

    Hello, I am a newbie at growing. This site has helped me out tremendously to get started. My very first grow resulted in 3 leaf plants. I started out with 2 seeds and both took very well but produced 3 leaf plants. They are about 2 weeks old and are only about 8 inches tall or so. very...