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  1. P

    fim technique went wrong?

    Well I didn't top it. I tried the technique on a fan leaf and branch, not the new growth on the main stem. In the video, the dude used this technique on many of the branches on the plant, and u saw the finished product also in the video.
  2. P

    fim technique went wrong?

    thanks buddy, great tutorial, keep ya posted.
  3. P

    fim technique went wrong?

    I tried a DIY fimming technique video. I followed what the instructions was very clearly, it was a fim techique where u slightly break the branch, and from that break, 2 branches plus the broken branch will grow. Well after 3 days, my branch and leaf went dead and fell off. Anyone knows what...
  4. P

    monster plant

    I was reading an article in the weed mag...this guy said he grew a plant outdoors in australia, that was 15ft and he harvested 12lbs. Could this be true? Or possible? What strains grow that big?
  5. P

    need help

    Thanks Luda, I was thinking its the same thing. And I still haven't learn to post pics. I followed the tutorial and I don't see a link on the top of the page that says Marijuana pics.
  6. P

    When to top?New to the Forum

    Ok my plants are about 12inches tall, so I should top now? And after I top, they will grow wide, instead of tall? so I use garden scissors and just cut at where the stem and branch meets? So far I pruned the bottom branches, and I got 4 sets of leaves form from that.
  7. P

    When to top?New to the Forum

    What are nodes? Is that the set of leaves? What is fim? What happens if you don't top the plant
  8. P

    need help

    Sorry. No fertilizer/organic compost/veggie stage/outdoors. Plant is about 1ft tall. I can email you guys a pic, but I haven't learned yet how to upload.
  9. P

    need help

    Sorry, I haven't figured out how to upload pics yet. But the plant looks very healthy, all the other leaves are nice green color. No leaves are droopy or look overwatered. Its just that one tip of a fan leaf. Any ideas?
  10. P

    need help

    I came outside today and noticed on one of the plants, a tip of a leaf was bright yellow.. what does that mean? What should I do? Its only on one fan leaf.
  11. P

    newbie question

    They are about a month old. Almost a foot tall. Growing outside. I used MG/3months (it feeds the plants wit fertilizer for 3 months), when I transplanted to a bigger pot. I saw on the back label, it had very high levels of N. And I mixed it with homemade organic compost. The plants are looking...
  12. P

    newbie question

    Question....miracle gro is bad? Right now I'm using miracle gro 3 months feeder soil, mixed with organic compost homemade. And my plants are growing strong.
  13. P

    newbie question

    Oh ok so I'm using bagseed. Got it. So a plant sits in the growbag while growing and flowering? Is this better then just buying soil?
  14. P

    newbie question

    hey, I checked the 101 questions and didn't see this, so I will ask.. what is growbag and what is bagseed?
  15. P

    need tips on flowering early

    I hear what you're saying, your way does sound better. Let it flower at night in its natural environment.
  16. P

    need tips on flowering early

    Cool, I live in a small suburban village, private yard. No street lights. Pitch black outside at night
  17. P

    need tips on flowering early

    Thanks. I was going to bring them inside at 7pm, keep them in a dark closet, and put them outside at 7am.
  18. P

    need tips on flowering early

    But if I bring them inside for 12hrs every night, it would work? I don't want to grow them off my property, because I don't want to chance someone stealing our frost is in 2-3 months and they need to flower early anyway.
  19. P

    need tips on flowering early

    I am growing 4 plants outside, started a month ago. So far they are almost a foot tall. I grew outside bc I didn't have the capital to start an indoor setup. I only want them to grow to 3ft, since I have neighbors along my fence. Is there a way to make them flower early when I want, and not have...
  20. P

    greetings from NYC

    Hey guys, I'm Tom, 24 from NYC area. I'm glad I found this site, I been doing a lot of reading, learning a lot. Currently, I'm doing my first time growing outdoors. So far so good. Any growers in the nyc area?