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  1. boomdiddly

    Police Helicopters[UK]

    And you beat me to it i was going to say most police website's list chopper activity!!
  2. boomdiddly

    Extremely new grower...

    God it seems like I haven't been on here in ages ( prob cause I haven't lol ) sorry to here you got so boys bro, but at least you have a couple of fem's, which is more than I have cause I haven't started yet (roll on payday) and while it does think i'll roll another one lol :joint:
  3. boomdiddly

    First Grow CFL

    I'm planning on doing 18/6 on my auto lowrider #2
  4. boomdiddly

    Extremely new grower...

    any luck bro?
  5. boomdiddly

    Extremely new grower...

    lol i know i know, it's taken far to long, need to order myself the larger fan and get that fitted then away we go!!! how are yours going bro?
  6. boomdiddly

    Extremely new grower...

    natty my landlord's finally sorting things so I can start my grow soon :joint:
  7. boomdiddly

    James' CFL Indoor Grow

    Lookin forward to it bro :D
  8. boomdiddly

    Extremely new grower...

    There was a time i wake n baked everyday before work, and I could still do a full day lol
  9. boomdiddly

    Extremely new grower...

    I hear ya on that one bro, altho i have been know to do a little wake n bake once in a while :joint:
  10. boomdiddly

    James' CFL Indoor Grow

    make sure you water them before you go man, wouldn't want you to come back to a shock!
  11. boomdiddly

    My first grow Lowryder #1 (auto)

    Hay natty, doing good bro, finally built my cab have everything ready bar soil and nutes lol i'll be even better once i can sort temps and my landlord pulls his finger out !! howz you?
  12. boomdiddly

    First Grow CFL

    Ages since i've been in this thread lol looking good bro :D
  13. boomdiddly

    My first grow Lowryder #1 (auto)

    I'm upping my exhaust fan from 44cfm to 75cfm that should lower it a bit :) landlord is cool for me just waiting for something to be fixed and would rather it be done before I start to grow !
  14. boomdiddly

    My first grow Lowryder #1 (auto)

    Sub'd lookin good man :) can't wait to get my grow going just waiting on a stronger cfm fan as in a dry run test at night temps got upto 87.4f (30c ish) which isn't good :( plus waiting for landlord to sort a couple of things in my place before I start!
  15. boomdiddly

    The Ultimate Odour Control Thread

    Gumball what ONA do you use bro? and do you use it in your cab or outside of it? :joint:
  16. boomdiddly

    First time grow - PC CASE, DWC, DNA 60 DAYS WONDER.

    Man, great grow :D one question how well did yo find the ONA block as I saw you said you where using that for odour control? was it just the ONA block or ONA Gel and norm or pro one, sorry for some many questions lol Peace :joint:
  17. boomdiddly

    Extremely new grower...

    Still looking good bro :) :joint:
  18. boomdiddly

    First time using CFL

    keep the CFL's about 3inch's from to top of the plant for the best outcome, there is a CFL growing section on here
  19. boomdiddly

    how to use a computer fan

    Just make sure the adapter is 12V output and the amp rating of your fan isn't above the max the charger is able to provide and you should be good, either wrap the wires around and tape or if the have a soldering iron, solder them together and use some heat shrink for a more pro job :D Peace...
  20. boomdiddly

    James' CFL Indoor Grow

    Can't see your pic's bro