Extremely new grower...


Well-Known Member
The CO2 gen. works great. I noticed 4 new growths on BB overnight. I just flushed them and have decided to start flowering on the 15th or 19th of june...


Well-Known Member
Awesome!! It's settled, It's setting one up tomorrow!

Awesome bud. I think I may start flowering just before you on the 9th.
Maybe I'll hold off til you start and we can keep comparisons.
Or we can comprimise and start on the 12th or some shit, lol


Active Member
aww how sweet :D
personally I don't think Pippa's ready yet. She needs alittle more time. She's gotta have a chance to catch up.


Well-Known Member
Shes almost a foot tall. She will be fine. Meanwhile I have 3 2ft tall ones and another 1 1/2 footer. I think its time to flower them...

12th sounds good. I am going to let them sleep with absolutly no light for 36 hours and then switch it to 12/12. I just wanna try it out, Some say it will be a waste and some say it kicks in the flowering faster. I just said fuck it I'll give it a shot.


Well-Known Member
Shes almost a foot tall. She will be fine. Meanwhile I have 3 2ft tall ones and another 1 1/2 footer. I think its time to flower them...

12th sounds good. I am going to let them sleep with absolutly no light for 36 hours and then switch it to 12/12. I just wanna try it out, Some say it will be a waste and some say it kicks in the flowering faster. I just said fuck it I'll give it a shot.
Hmm never came across that technique. I'll let you handle that one, lol. but yeah man the 12th works for me. I'm sure pippas fine. She's just a little slow. But you wouldn't stop the kid with downs syndrome from graduating with the rest of his class just because he couldn't run as fast in gym would you? lol I say flower her but hey she's your mongo, not mine!! ha ha ha


Well-Known Member
lol I feel like a stoner just blazes all day. Thats not me. I like doin it at night after a long day. that way im still productive during the day.

Im more of a "midnight toker"- Steve miller Band anyone??? no... oh well

So flower it on the 12th then! its settled


lol I feel like a stoner just blazes all day. Thats not me. I like doin it at night after a long day. that way im still productive during the day.

Im more of a "midnight toker"- Steve miller Band anyone??? no... oh well

So flower it on the 12th then! its settled
I hear ya on that one bro, altho i have been know to do a little wake n bake once in a while :joint:


Well-Known Member
Fine I'm a stoner. LOL Gotta have my wake and bake, lol.
Hell yeah man. I can not wait to reset my timer for 12/12 ha ha
How long til we should be able to see sex? like a week or 2 right?


Fine I'm a stoner. LOL Gotta have my wake and bake, lol.
Hell yeah man. I can not wait to reset my timer for 12/12 ha ha
How long til we should be able to see sex? like a week or 2 right?
There was a time i wake n baked everyday before work, and I could still do a full day lol


Well-Known Member
Sadly I lost my job a while ago but even when I was still working I've always been an everyday all day smoker. Not like chain smoking but like roll a blunt for wake and bake smoke like 1/3 then a couple hrs later another 1/3 then another. Then usually another blunt to last me through the night. Ends up being 2 blunts a day if I'm hanging alone but if I'm with other smokers anywhere up to like 4 or 5 in the day.


Well-Known Member
yeah man. Shit i only got 2 plants to get lucky with I'm like 100% sure you'll end up with at least 1 female.


Well-Known Member
How are the plants doing bro, those leaves actually didn't look vey bad at all, maybe just a little nute burn. Im going on a week now with my flowering, and they still arent showing. Actually maybe the middle one, i might be hallucinating, but i swear i see itty bitty balls growing from the nodes.If I get one male out of three plants I wont feel that bad. Fingers crossed i guess. And MK if it makes you feel any better I have been out of work for over a year now. On the bright side I get to be a stay at home dad!


Well-Known Member
new video tonight! it will be late, i work at a nightclub right now and wont be off until 1 or 2... im sure MK will be on


Well-Known Member
lmao! it is true though! your always on in the wee hours of the morning.

And I didn't record the video, I got home from work and smoked annnndd then i passed out.... ill go record in a few minutes.