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  1. F

    Blackjack. Week 10 Harvest

    Thanks for all the welcome reply's !! I've misplaced my camera cord while on vacation so you will have to wait for some more pictures. I've got quite a few experiments going with the Blackjack strain that I hope you might find interesting. From my random sampling over the past year I have...
  2. F

    BlackJack Grow 1st time grower

    Those look like healthy plants my friend. I answered your (my) other post but now I see what setup you have. I am sure your plants are the size they are because of the pot size. For some reason these plants like a lot of room to stretch. I flowered one plant in a 2gallon pot like yours at 35...
  3. F

    Blackjack. Week 10 Harvest

    Sorry about the time of absence, been out of town. Those do look small for day 25. Mine were 1ft at 30 days and 2ft at 60 days veg. They are around 4ft at harvest with 2month veg. What type of light do you have on them? I had mine in 10in pots as well. The pot size does affect the plant size...
  4. F

    Blackjack. Week 10 Harvest

    You are close. It is a cross of Jock Horrer and Black Domina.
  5. F

    Blackjack. Week 10 Harvest

    Here ya go. Indoor grow of some Blackjack at week 10.5. I just harvested today. They were on a 400w hps and vegged for two months. My gloves were absolutely superglued after I trimmed. Can't wait to taste, my house smells beautiful. Looks like its going to be a great New Years!
  6. F

    trouble with soil ph, need help

    buried, bump
  7. F


    Ahh nice, I have some blackjack going as well. Mine is on week 9 flowering and looks to have at least another week or two to go. Your girls look like they are doing great. I too have a hard time keeping the nutes right with this strain, its very touchy to changes.
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    trouble with soil ph, need help

    So I've got 6 plants that have been vegging in fox farm ocean forest soil for 2 months now, and I've always given them water and fox farm nutes ph'd to 6.5. For all visual purposes the look GREAT. nice, green. and leafy. After watering them today I checked the runoff of the soil and it was a...
  9. F

    Please help my flowers are not swelling?

    it will be fine. And the less light it recieves under the 12hr mark is just cutting into time not growing so you will logically have a slightly smaller yield but I doubt its any amount to worry about.
  10. F

    Nute burn on mature ladies? pic

    This Blackjack is 35 days into flowering on 400w HPS. Used FF Grow big through 2 month veg. and It has been getting half strength FF tiger bloom and m.o.a.b. for the last two weeks. Usually after every two waterings, and it's ph balanced to 6.5. Am i just pushing her too hard? or is it a...
  11. F

    Maximize this scenario

    bump, got buried
  12. F

    Maximize this scenario

    I've got a couple of random questions I've had trouble pinning down answers for so I'd like to hear your opinions on any of these if you don't mind: 1. How many cfl watts would you need to optimally veg. 6 plants? (given a 400w hps flowering room) 2. Would a plant vegged for 3 months have a...
  13. F

    Yellow edges on two-week old

    not yet, plan on using floralicious plus and fox farm grow big starting at week 3 (2 weeks old today)
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    Yellow edges on two-week old

    i got buried ... bump
  15. F

    Yellow edges on two-week old

    So as you can see, the tips of my little girls are yellowing and I need your expert advice. This is happening on 3/5 plants with also some slight yellowing on the lowest leaves. Tops seem to look better/greener. They are 2 week old tomorrow Blackjack seeds in Fox Farm soil with a 400w hps bulb...
  16. F

    New Pantry Grow - Setup/Pics/Questions

    high heat is what i am afraid of... i routed my a/c to the room which accounts why its 77 when the a/c is on but 90 when its off .. and I dont exactly want to turn it up bc then my power bill will be through the roof! I'll look into a better exhaust fan i suppose..
  17. F

    New Pantry Grow - Setup/Pics/Questions

    That isn't so much the exhaust fan as it is just to keep the lightbulbs heat out... which definitely works. There are two separate fans and a hole in the ceiling for ventilation/circulation
  18. F

    New Pantry Grow - Setup/Pics/Questions

    well after dbl checking on the girls, I definitely see yellowing around the tips of two if the plants ... im trying to research the cause but im sure one of you know firsthand. Wtf is up ?!
  19. F

    New Pantry Grow - Setup/Pics/Questions

    Hey, so im knee deep in my first indoor grow (completed first outdoor grow last year) and so far I am very please with it. Take a look at what I've got and please feel free to give me any advice deemed necessary. I am using all feminized Blackjack seeds from nirvana, a fan cooled 400w HPS about...