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  1. C

    How do you cure? I need help!

    Make sure you belch the jars or you will get mold.
  2. C

    Input on finish of 100% Sativa

    It is said that with a sativa you want as much of the trichomes to be cloudy as possible but it all depends on what you want. The standard is just to do a 50/50 mix but I would suggest waiting for a 75% cloudy/25% amber trichome mix.
  3. C

    Good Strains To Grow Over My Summer Vacation?

    Look for an autoflowering strain, they usually yield in around 10 weeks or so.
  4. C

    72 hour seedling, How does it look?

    Looks fine, give it some time to grow. Don't love it too much!
  5. C

    Whats eating my plants?

    Slugs are typically only out when there is no sun
  6. C

    Red stems on less than week old seedlings, problem???

    Maybe its the temperatures? I had the same thing happen with my last seedling and she has turned out just fine. Give it a couple days and see how the growth is
  7. C

    !-(Any Advie Wanted)-|*Burton's 1st OUTDOOR GORW* |-(Lots of Pictures)-!

    Do not use miracle grow, it will kill your plants if you arent careful because there are way too many nutes in it. You want an organic soil at the very least.
  8. C

    Makeshift humidity "dome"

    No one able to help here?
  9. C

    Makeshift humidity "dome"

    I am growing this outside so i have much less control over environmental effects, i germinated this seed a week ago so it seems like the seedling is just about to break ground now.. The weather just started dropping its humidity greatly over the past day and forecasts say it should remain pretty...
  10. C

    Seedling is wilted over! What happened?

    Use Solo cups, clear cups are bad for the roots when they are exposed to light. That wont be an issue right now but when the root system grows it could kill your plant
  11. C

    Germination. A question

    Just let it go, no reason to take them out of the paper towel now
  12. C

    Starting from seed outside, temperature issues in northeast

    Height is something that i am very slightly worried about. If i do this how much would it cut into my yield?
  13. C

    Starting from seed outside, temperature issues in northeast

    I appreciate the answer. Also once they started growing i was thinking of FIMing or topping it, what node should i do that at (if it's advisable of course)
  14. C

    Starting from seed outside, temperature issues in northeast

    I'm intending to start two or three seeds outside as a small little project. I wanted to start them a little later in the season for two reasons, keep the plant from growing too large and the erratic temperatures we have. I would start them inside but i don't have CFLs or a windowsill that gets...
  15. C

    1st outdor grow

    get a look at the trichomes with a microscope, i dont see many in those pictures, so you probably have like another month or so.
  16. C

    My plants are droopy 4 weeks old (HELP)

    Drooping leaves are a sign of over watering. You should water only once every 2 or 3 days or so, soak the pot until it almost starts leaking out the bottom and dont water again until the soil is pretty much completely dry.
  17. C

    Can anyone identify what type of plants these are!! Sativa or Indica

    He's messing with you it takes a couple days. Also, the leaves look very droopy, have you been over watering them?
  18. C

    Help Pls. Is this Male or Female

    Looks like a male, sorry :( id look for a confirmation though
  19. C

    Smell question

    Charcoal filter?
  20. C

    how often to water and fertilize

    Water until the pot feels very light, they like getting dry before they get watered again, so every 3-4 days is probably good.