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  1. FreeLeaf

    Who Cut the Cheese ?

    hey, Sorry it took so long to update. Well we got 16.75 oz's of some very nice smoke. Thanks for all your help guys Till we grow again !
  2. FreeLeaf

    Does this look like mold or soap scum? (HD pics)

    It does not look like WPM to me but I could be wrong. I have been batteling a rough case of it lately. What's up with your leaf tips curling in? Did you over nute them?
  3. FreeLeaf

    Lighting questionq

    Yes but I would probably add some CFL's to it to help it along :0
  4. FreeLeaf

    Whats a good Lighting Schedule

    Some people like to go 24/7 indoors when they are veggin their girls. I like to go 18/6. It gives them a chance to rest and more imitates nature. When it comes time to flower switch the light to 12/12. I run my lights at night so i can keep it cool in the day. Hope this helps.
  5. FreeLeaf

    is it ok to switch grow lights?

    Post some pics of your plants
  6. FreeLeaf

    Copper Soap and White Powdery Mold

    Just saw where you said it does not affect taste. My Bad. So use the 3% h2o2 at full strength?
  7. FreeLeaf

    Copper Soap and White Powdery Mold

    Hey Phelps, Thanks for taking the time to help. +Rep Every plant has 4-5 spots on them and it is creeping into the bud now. I just posted a bunch of pics. Follow the link. Do you think any of the additives in the 3% h2o2 will affect the taste?
  8. FreeLeaf

    Who Cut the Cheese ?

    side 1-8 were not taken tonight. i threw them as somewhat of a comparison :P
  9. FreeLeaf

    Who Cut the Cheese ?

    Except for a slight mold problem the girls are doing great. Some of the leaves are starting to turn yellow. (the begining of the end of the life cycle) Their are lots of crystals and you will see a small spot of mold here and their but most of what you are seeing are crystals. Enjoy
  10. FreeLeaf

    Who Cut the Cheese ?

    Yea I would get one but with 3 weeks left it does not make much sense. The Ol Lady has shut me down so this will be the last grow here at the house. Even though I am within Ca state guidelines she feels very uncomfortable about it. :( But got to keep mom happy for if mom ain't happy...noone is...
  11. FreeLeaf

    Copper Soap and White Powdery Mold

    Any other thoughts on copper soap?
  12. FreeLeaf

    Copper Soap and White Powdery Mold

    Thanks for your input Phelps. So just out of curiosity, why wouldn't you use the copper soap?
  13. FreeLeaf

    Copper Soap and White Powdery Mold

    I am having a WPM problem. I am 64 days into flowering. I have tried serenade, skim milk and keeping the RH down, good ventilation and sterelizing the room with Hydrogen Peroxide. I am barely winning the battle. I know that PM is inside the plant and all you can hope to do is keep it in check...
  14. FreeLeaf

    Who Cut the Cheese ?

    Well we are still having mold problems. I have increased the circulating when they are awake by adding a large floor fan but when they go to sleep their is no room for the large fan so it is back to the small one. I have increased the dosage of the serenade and shortened the time inbetween...
  15. FreeLeaf

    1st grow, buds are leaning. Picture included.

    I know I would hate to spend 4 months in the dark :P
  16. FreeLeaf

    Who Cut the Cheese ?

    Oh yea, by the way, you guys need to quit "mentally ravaging" my girls! I know you would love nothing better than to strip them down and shove them in some pipe :)
  17. FreeLeaf

    Who Cut the Cheese ?

    Yes it was an awful sound indeed. I felt like I was ripping off their fingernails or something. It was a horrorifying ordeal. I call my therapist this morning and had him clear his schedule. I placed three stakes on the outer edge inside the pot and brought them together at the top to form a...
  18. FreeLeaf

    Who Cut the Cheese ?

    Dude, are you mentally smoking my girls?? Are you ? frickin herbvert
  19. FreeLeaf

    Who Cut the Cheese ?

    LOL Auto :) Yea I am hoping to get 1 pound dry from this. that's 2 oz per plant. More would be better !
  20. FreeLeaf

    Who Cut the Cheese ?

    These girls are startin to stack quite nicely. The sheer weight of the buds were bending the stalks to where the buds were horizontal. I had to stake them up last night. I hated to push the bamboo stakes into the edge of the rootball but taping the sticks to the outside of the container just was...