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  1. carminef

    Stuck on Stuck

    last night I went and purchase an Indonesian Bat Guano .2-12-05. I have always used the Mexican Guano for vegetation, but I figured the Indonesian would be great for flowering. I also picked up a product called Gravity Flower Hardener made by Humboldt County; has anyone had experience with this...
  2. carminef

    Stuck on Stuck

    be I be, be I bo, be I bicky bi be bi bi, bicky bi bo be bi be bicky bi bo bay as the stooges you's to say
  3. carminef

    Stuck on Stuck

    has anyone grown this strain?
  4. carminef

    Stuck on Stuck

    well instead of cutting I tied everything down which brought me down to around 9 inches, I figure if I can maintain them in this closet till the others finish I should be ok. I figure it'll be better that way than moving them under my HPS, as there'd be to many plants fighting for light
  5. carminef

    Stuck on Stuck

    I'm 3 weeks into flowering Brainstorm; and I can't figure this strain out at all, and I'm not new to this. I cloned all of them, and figured I'd put the clones in the flowering room following their mothers; except these babies shot to 18 inches faster than anything I've ever seen. From the...
  6. carminef

    Seedling yellow spots, but not whole leaf (pics)

    looks like you splashed some nutrient treated water on the leaves while watering
  7. carminef


    Absolutely friggin rude man; if I was looking for responsive interaction, I sure and hell wouldn't come here again, man you ate that Limy up for breakfast dude, that was a cold shot!
  8. carminef

    Metal halide question

    Nicotine is good for the queen so to speak. I use it religiously if needed; the only other solution I have great luck with is bleach and water, 2 table spoons per gallon; I spray it all over everything, let it sit for 30 minutes then rinse it off thoroughly. Like magic, presto, the little...
  9. carminef

    a few days of dark before harvest???

    I just put 2 white widows in the dark yesterday following 15 weeks of flowering, I just couldn't get the trichomes to turn amber, but I checked on them this morning and their thick with trichomes. Hopefully this will turn the trichomes to amber, we'll see!
  10. carminef

    Completely Stumped

    No, Amsterdam Marijuana Seedss, they've got great ratings, and have had good luck with them in the past; as they've been around for at least 10 years that I know of.
  11. carminef

    Completely Stumped

    are you serious with advice like that, this isn't exactly my first grow, I can't even believe someone would make such a statement (Remeberme) , I thought this post was listed in advanced growing?
  12. carminef

    Odor Opinion

    I had a problem with odor until I added a activated charcoal filter which exhaust out a window. I have not had 1 complaint. There is virtually no odor, and I'm in the last stage of flowering right now. It'll cost you a couple of hundred for the canister and fan, but its well worth it. They last...
  13. carminef

    Completely Stumped

    don't understand!
  14. carminef

    Completely Stumped

    I have been flowering White Widows from seed from Amsterdam for 15 weeks and my trichomes haven't changed at all. The tops are beautiful, full and heavy, 80 percent of my hairs have turned, but the trichomes just stay glassy. I'm sure their root bound at this point, as I really screwed up on...
  15. carminef

    After Tap Root

    I know for me, I usually prewater my planters for the week prior to depositing my seeds to release some of the nutrients in the soil, then I put the seed in (root facing down), brush a little soil over it and mist.
  16. carminef

    w.widow 20 plants with pics

    Hey man; Im brand new here at this site but I'm hopefully at the end of my WW grow. Hard plant to figure out, seemed no matter what I did I was wrong. I've been flowering for 13 weeks now. They were 50 inches when I started flowering. Their full of glassy buds, I mean...
  17. carminef

    Are you flowering?

    Im just finishing up with WW I started from seed from Amsterdam. Absolutely the longest flowering plant Ive ever seen I'm in week 14 and trichomes still haven't turned, crazy ha. I hope it ends any day now