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  1. matsuwa

    DIY Closet DWC Grow - First grow ever

    Hey Jig. Way to go on your vertical grow, its looking good. And also saw your going to ttry soil grow, nice. Quick question, How long did it take you from veg to harvest for this jornal with the set up you had? Im confused because you read on websites that certain strains have certain grow times...
  2. matsuwa

    DIY Closet DWC Grow - First grow ever

    Thanks Jig, I fill follow your instructions to a T haha. I saw thee new product you mentioned so i think ill due those and see how it turns out. Thanks for the help, I cant wait for my paycheck to come in, I got a long shopping list hahaha. Thanks again
  3. matsuwa

    JigFresh's Grow #2 : Vertical Scrog - closet diy dwc - 650w - Headband + Casey Jones

    wow, i think i read about this in one of the scroging links you posted in you other jornal, i was a little confused as how it looked, but it looks like you have an idea, excited to see how it turns out man. :)
  4. matsuwa

    Thank you bubbleheads & Rosemans guides

    wow they look really good fatflathead, i hope you get some big nugs :) . Keep up the great work. Cant wait till my stuff gets in so i can roll with you guys and post updates and pics.
  5. matsuwa

    germinating n shit!!!

    ty benson, i do it papar towel way for sure.
  6. matsuwa

    Things to Know About Lighting

    nice link remember me, took me a while to get it but it makes sence. Good input.
  7. matsuwa

    My new setup, good to go?

    hey thanks man, its good to know. :)
  8. matsuwa

    Dual Areoponic Cabinet, Ceramic Metal Halide

    Wow I love the LED lights, they look awesome, your plants look so great too. Nice job!
  9. matsuwa

    Elite Member

    If it makes you feel better, your elite to me :D
  10. matsuwa

    My new setup, good to go?

    Hey guys, quick question, can i transplant a mother who is still in the veg stage that was hydroponically grown to a soil medium so i can clone her, or is this a bad idea? The idea is to keep a spot open to keep my clones/seedlings growing.
  11. matsuwa

    Things to Know About Lighting

    hey guys, so I read that for starting off your seedlings cfl's are perfect, but my question, is there a difference if we have different spectrums of cfl at the same time? Like one tube blue light and another red?
  12. matsuwa

    germinating n shit!!!

    Awesome benson, I was wondering if anyone new how often i need to water rockwool cubes for germination to be a success and for how long i have till i change them to a bigger "container" (in my case clay pellets or balls.)
  13. matsuwa

    Setting up first grow room but need some help with lighting??

    hey guys, sorry to butt in on your thread but i dont want to open up a new one if we can keep it al in one place you know what i mean? But anyways, I order two lights, a 150 hps and a 175 mh, my questions are; will that be enough for a 3x3ft area (about), and can I use both at the same time to...
  14. matsuwa

    Noob's Barney's Farm Blue Cheese

    Wow they look great man, grats!
  15. matsuwa

    Harvest time?

    As far as I have read, the rule of thumb is when half or more of the healthy white pistils become brown. However, sometimes the flowers will overmature while still having less then half of the pistils turn brown. When that happens you will notice the the flowers become dry or old looking. Thats...
  16. matsuwa

    Too much light???

    I dont know if this is the right place to put this question, but, is 24hrs. constant light until the flowering stage bad for your plants, do they need "rest" time (6 hrs. dark).
  17. matsuwa

    Marijuana Seeds

    Hey guys, anyone know if is a reliable source?
  18. matsuwa

    DIY Closet DWC Grow - First grow ever

    Hey Jig, so Im excited about the project Im about to start. Like you in your early stages, im waiting for stuff in the mail....lame. But I found a hydroponics store were I live, I was so freaking excited it was hard to control myself :) . Anyway, my question is, have you used other nutrients...
  19. matsuwa

    DIY Closet DWC Grow - First grow ever

    hey jig, been reading up to page 16 so far HAHAHA pretty cool stuff man, you got me all pummped and i like your set up, so I think ill copy it :) . Anyway, you guys prolly already know that tempeture changes ppm/ec readings heres a link so i thin when you...
  20. matsuwa

    DIY Closet DWC Grow - First grow ever

    dame it all i saw was your sexy forehead! (darm maybe next time)