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  1. theemporersclothes

    Spice, Salvia and other legal highs

    yes it needs to be in a bong for a better hit, but also salvia's vaporization point is a little higher than mary jane so its recommended that you use a jet-flame lighter when burning it. also it takes a lil longer for your lungs to metabolize the active ingrediants in the salvia so they also say...
  2. theemporersclothes

    Pray for Jack Herer.. hes Ina coma

    Jack Herer was the inspiration for me as a teenager. his book opened my eyes to the real world and inspired me to take down the propaganda machines at every turn that i could. my heart goes out to him and for his family. i had the remarkable opportunity to cross j's with him at a rally many...
  3. theemporersclothes

    Missing post's

    I , TOO am having the same problem. i have to search the keywords i used to find the thread, very inconveniant
  4. theemporersclothes

    bud rot?!? a week from harvest

    thanks for the speedy reply, +rep.. cant handily control the humidity(even though its been a stable 50 %) so shes gonna have to come down, anything i should look out for while curing ?
  5. theemporersclothes

    bud rot?!? a week from harvest

    i just noticed a lil brown drying out in the middle of my top cola. if i harvest NOW,(a week or so from harvest, im 13 weeks into flower) can i save the rest of the cola and maybe just cut out the brown rot looking stuff?
  6. theemporersclothes

    do these trichomes look cloudy or clear to you?

    thanks ...even a broken clock is right twice a day i made quite a few mistakes but she is pulling thru...she has a couple spider mites and i dont want to spray anything at this point so i am hoping the ladybugs will keep them at bay long enough to finish. ill scrape up some funds...
  7. theemporersclothes

    do these trichomes look cloudy or clear to you?

    over 12 weeks in flower and still i can find no amber coloer to any trichomes. heck since this is my first grow, i cant even tell if these are clear or cloudy? what do you guys think?
  8. theemporersclothes

    can i add this to help with flower?

    even though its far enough away that i can hold my hand there without too much heat? im only about 78 to 82 degrees at the plant
  9. theemporersclothes

    can i add this to help with flower?

    i zoomed in on the trichomes with a good diogital cam. its easier for me to see than with a 30 x scope..but i cant see any amber...maybe one or two stalks , but that could be a dead mite from a previous infestation. its been like this for a while now though
  10. theemporersclothes

    can i add this to help with flower?

    i started a sative dominant strain outdoors but in my climate, it had to be brought in to finish. its currently under 4 four foot 40 watt flourescents, 2 of them vitalite bluesand 2 warm white (2700 k to 3200 k cant find out exactly). my question is i dont believe im getting enough red , and im...
  11. theemporersclothes

    My first grow i use what i can afford

    the 6500 kelvin rating (k) is a bluer looking light by appearance, ive always googled a specific bulb if i wasnt sure. the 2700 kelvin bulb is oranger and redder the lower the kelvin rating. the kelvin rating has no bearing on the lumens, it is only the light spectrum that the bulb puts out...
  12. theemporersclothes

    will this frosty female finish before the spidermites can do serious damage

    thanks for the input, i was concerned that the mites would ruin it before it would finish. + rep for taking the time to give advice
  13. theemporersclothes

    will this frosty female finish before the spidermites can do serious damage

    you guys sure? i was really wanting to go for a half couch lock thing here. id feel better if i could find a lil amber , but most appear cloudy and a few still clear (from what my untrained eye can tell)
  14. theemporersclothes

    will this frosty female finish before the spidermites can do serious damage

    i know! right? should be hangin by her boot straps but shes taking forever i added extra 2 red spectrum cfls 5 weeks ago. girlfriend is on my ass to be done. i dont have a geem loupe or a microscope but ive been taking extreme closeups with a good digital cam and zooming in and i cant find any...
  15. theemporersclothes

    will this frosty female finish before the spidermites can do serious damage

    yea i hope, but shes been that way for a couple weeks without changing, and i cant see any amber trichomes at all
  16. theemporersclothes

    will this frosty female finish before the spidermites can do serious damage

    this is my first grow and am using 4, 4 ft floros-2 warm, 2 cool and 2 additional warm cfl's on bag seed from an exceptionally good bag. i am at least 10 weeks into flowering and i cant tell if these chrystals are clear or cloudy. ive recently noticed a spidermite infestation, and ive sprayed...
  17. theemporersclothes

    A Watering and flushing tutorial for soil

    what if i had been using 3 month time release fertilizer for the soil? how effective could i actually flush the soil? do i release more nutes everytime i water? and
  18. theemporersclothes

    thank you very much. Jack Herers book opened my eyes when i read it back in the late 80's. made...

    thank you very much. Jack Herers book opened my eyes when i read it back in the late 80's. made me march down on my 18th bday to register to vote so i could help to affect a change....20 yrs later , and finally there has been sweeping change in my area.
  19. theemporersclothes

    Illinois DUI Examination

    that reminds me of the people that used to call the cops on me ten years ago when i rolled my own cigarettes and would drive down the street smoking my'smokes'. on two separate occassions, cops pulled me over because it was 'reported' that i was seen driving while smoking weed. both times i was...
  20. theemporersclothes

    Help!!!! I need to pass a hair analysis!!!!!!

    if he shaves now ,he will have grown 'clean' hair by the time he has to test so they wont take 'secondary' hair, which has an all together different growth rate and even though has been accepted, is not fair because they can go back 3 to 4 yrs