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  1. Lazy Eyes

    12 Months of Seeds to Smoke

    Need a little help with this one. I hope you guys with experience chime in. I'm having a tough time sexing this plant. I'll be Boston for a few days so I need to either pull it tomorrow or let it grow. These tiny bunches are popping up all over the place. They look very similar to what was...
  2. Lazy Eyes

    12 Months of Seeds to Smoke

    So I pulled the plant to dispose of it. It sure was nice and healthy. After being topped it was on track to produce 4 main colas. Too bad... In the name of science I decided to see what the roots look like under the rock wool. As a bio/chem drop out, I couldn't resist. I was expecting...
  3. Lazy Eyes

    12 Months of Seeds to Smoke

    You learn something new everyday, Lava rock. Thanks again Red. I would've used larger pots but I ordered the wrong size. Hopefully the plants will stay healthy enough in the small pots to produce a handful of clones. As much as I would love to keep it for seeds and experimentation, I don't...
  4. Lazy Eyes

    12 Months of Seeds to Smoke

    I seem to have posted too many pictures. Either have to start removing some or host somewhere else. In the meantime, I deleted a couple so I could post these. After the morning inspection, I noticed this on a Big Bang plant. Not good.
  5. Lazy Eyes

    12 Months of Seeds to Smoke

    And in case you were wondering how I got these incredible roots out of the hydro baskets. I didn't. There was no way to wiggle these things out without cutting them again. I buried the entire thing! Basket and all. We'll see how it works.
  6. Lazy Eyes

    12 Months of Seeds to Smoke

    Pic 1 - No babies, no need for the smaller hydro tub. Mothers only... For now. Pic 2 - Himalayan Gold mother. Pic 3 - Himalayan Gold runt. When the plants were moved into the flowering chamber, there was no room for this one. I couldn't just throw it in trash. It's been gifted! To a...
  7. Lazy Eyes

    12 Months of Seeds to Smoke

    Mother's Day came early! Pic 1 - Big Bang mother plant roots. I completely pruned all of this plants roots a couple of weeks ago. They grew back even fuller and healthier than before. Pic 2 - One of my Botanical Brothers pots. I've never used these before. They seem really cool. A self...
  8. Lazy Eyes

    12 Months of Seeds to Smoke

    Red - Thx for the words. Packing one for you.
  9. Lazy Eyes

    12 Months of Seeds to Smoke

    Back to the crop. I was nervous about the roots. They were turning brown and I thought I was witnessing root rot. I have been pruning and clipping them. After more research, it's just the nutes building up between the growing fingers of roots. I'm looking forward to changing the water...
  10. Lazy Eyes

    12 Months of Seeds to Smoke

    Constructive criticism is always welcome. And I am a newbie. However, I have too much invested (and more to come) to switch to soil. Not to mention my limited space and need for stealthness. Does Coco count as soil?
  11. Lazy Eyes

    12 Months of Seeds to Smoke

    In the mean time, check these things out. I'm going to have some serious height problems. Going into week 2 of flowering, some of the plants are over 2 ft tall. Way too tall for the box. That means I'm going to be pruning, clipping, and tying the hell out of these suckers. On the shorter...
  12. Lazy Eyes

    12 Months of Seeds to Smoke

    Sorry sorry sorry. Still figuring these things out! Damn expensive good for nothing scale... Hahahaha, I wasn't high.
  13. Lazy Eyes

    12 Months of Seeds to Smoke

    Red - You're correct, I mis-read it. 7oz's. Not grams. slightly less than 1/2 a pound.
  14. Lazy Eyes

    12 Months of Seeds to Smoke

    After each jar was emptied and weighed, a total of 7 grams was calculated. 7 dried grams from 5 plants? Seems to be a reasonable amount for a first go around. Now if I could only find a couple of people to sample it...
  15. Lazy Eyes

    12 Months of Seeds to Smoke

    That's the million dollar question! Answer - I have no idea... I didn't know where to buy a scale. They're all over the internet but I didn't want to wait 3-5 days for shipping. It finally dawned on me, a smoke shop probably sells them. Then I found one that was open late enough for me to...
  16. Lazy Eyes

    12 Months of Seeds to Smoke

    The Blueberry dried out really fast, almost too fast. Here it is, in all it's glory...
  17. Lazy Eyes

    12 Months of Seeds to Smoke

    I was up late hanging everything so Sunday morning came quickly. Right back to work. I spent the day cleaning the Bloom Box and reloading the flowering chamber.
  18. Lazy Eyes

    12 Months of Seeds to Smoke

    It surprised the hell out of me too. All I can really take credit for is being diligent enough to change the water. Everything else just did its thing. It says a lot for the product that BC Northern produces. Thanks for the freezer tip. The gloves I had weren't the right kind. They...
  19. Lazy Eyes

    12 Months of Seeds to Smoke

    Boy are my fingers sore from plucking and pinching. Finished up tonight. For the first time since Jan 31st, the flowering chamber is off and I can actually sleep in the dark. :clap:
  20. Lazy Eyes

    12 Months of Seeds to Smoke

    Thanks for following along. I hope my mistakes have helped you out. 1 plant done, 4 more to go. For the next harvest I'll definitely be buying a pro cut magic trimmer. Trimming's a lot of work. With the middle plant out of the way you can see how much space it was taking up. That sucker...