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    seedling question

    planted some seeds they are coming up nice, my question is when should I put them under the hps? and if I do, won't they just stretch even more since I can't put them to close?
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    rollitup sort it out pls

    ya man that fucking sucks I just tried to check and see if anyone had added anything to a post I posted earlier and I got nothing this is fuckin gay
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    i have 2 weeks to pass a urine test, please help?

    get your buddy or mom to pee in a jar for you and take it in, in a baby bottle or flask, warm up the bottle under the hot water tap in the bathroom then pour into test bottle and just tell the nurse you peed on the bottle a little so you just rinsed it off.... this works I know....
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    is that just one plant??
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    Trailer Op

    you write too much dude.... I get bored after the first two lines, you need to put some action into your novel if you want people to stay interested haha
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    light slash flowering question

    wow I did not know this haha good thing I asked thanks a lot people...
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    light slash flowering question

    Is there any advantage to leaving the light on for 24 hours for veg? and does the plant grow a lot or any if that during the flowering stage? thanks
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    Ultimate DIY Carbon Scruber Under $100 Fan and All

    k thanks joe that cleared it up. I was just a little unclear of how the carbon stayed in the mesh screen...
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    Ultimate DIY Carbon Scruber Under $100 Fan and All

    Can you explain a little better about how you make the carbon filter? I'm a little confused... thanks.
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    No sorry for the miss understanding I'm not venting in my bathroom I'm venting out side three stories up but I'm just using a bathroom fan to do so... So what do you think?
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    I'm using a bathroom fan for a vent.. yes boys and girls a bathroom fan. I am on the third floor of a building and no one is that close will this eliminate most of my smell? and I don't have a carbon filter, yes I said don't....
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    15 plants under 1000w

    K thanks... How would you suggest I cool the room? just with a few fans and fresh room temp are coming in? would that be ok?
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    15 plants under 1000w

    If I'm doing 15 plants under 1000w hps in an area of 25 square feet 5x5 will that be enuff light if I grow between 2-3 feet tall?
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    Bathroom vent fan??

    Can I use just a normal bathroom vent fan 110 cfm's for a 5x5x7 tent?
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    question about moving from US to Canada with warrant

    Oh and FYI there is a border near Ontario and Quebec that is not patrolled by Canada but is by the US, and the US guards are only concerned with people coming in to the US, you can make it across in a car with no prob.
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    question about moving from US to Canada with warrant

    fuck you stay in the US buddy you will get fucked at the border.... trust me, also I don't want to share my health care with you lol
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    Hey new guy with question....

    This has answered my question. So it might be better to use two smaller lights than one big one then? Thanks.
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    Hey new guy with question....

    Ok, Before all you start hating me for this question I just want to say hello to everyone, and that I have been looking for an answer to my question on this site for a solid hour or two and can't seem to find it. I'm new to indoor growing, I have gone to school for outdoor growing (not weed...