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  1. breeze1106

    Anyone use Budswell by the Guano Company?

    Hey i been using it for two and a half weeks and i love it, im using the gallon concetrate version, talk about jus two week in...i tell ya its great stuff. im currently using earth juice sugar peak bloom, guano company budswell and grotek pro silicate...happy with the results and...
  2. breeze1106

    Do u have to ph foiler spray?

    I have Dutch master foiler stay and the penetrator, when I done a ph test it came up 4.0, what does the ph have to be to spray on plants without harm?
  3. breeze1106

    critical clone help with pics!!!!please help

    i had to go back and dig deep enough holes in the bigger rockwool so that the roots werent bunched together thats probably why they looked so stressed
  4. breeze1106

    critical clone help with pics!!!!please help

    I did the transplanting yesterday took me 2 hours for 8 clones. what i did was take 8 of the very small rockwool, cut them in half turn the cup upside down with my hand supporting the stem and i ran my shower, rinsed all the roots without damaging. i used the dip n grow stuff. i put the cleaned...
  5. breeze1106

    critical clone help with pics!!!!please help

  6. breeze1106

    critical clone help with pics!!!!please help

    thanks guys for your help, very helpful for me, ill use jonboy's method but yea the pics can could help a great deal so that i dont mess up this process i payed 96 dollars so i really dont want to screw up.
  7. breeze1106

    critical clone help with pics!!!!please help

  8. breeze1106

    critical clone help with pics!!!!please help

    Okay heres the deal, i jus purchased a bunch of clones...the purps, Grandaddy purp and a bunch of blue dream, the thing is they were cloned in soil and i want them to be in rockwool...can i re-cut from the bottom and re-do the clone process? the clones are in red cups and are 4 to 5 days old. i...
  9. breeze1106

    for veg wich is better florescent or super hps 400watts

    thnks, i have florescent tube lights as well, im also using ebb flow system...i will post pics
  10. breeze1106

    for veg wich is better florescent or super hps 400watts

    jus wondering, i started five aurora indica, and a hybrid strain and im using hortilux 400w super hps amy plants would grow and wanted to know if they would grow faster with florescent, im on a 18/6 cycle. thanks
  11. breeze1106

    woken up by police at 145am 5-6-09

    im from california
  12. breeze1106

    woken up by police at 145am 5-6-09

    :cuss:police woke me up at 1:45 am all because my roomate threatened to kill one of my neighbors, they shined a light at my window upstairs which woke me up, i went downstairs to see my front door open which was locked and never opened, the officer says he can smell marijuana at the door while...
  13. breeze1106

    Sensi bloom a and b nutrient help

    Please i need help with advance nutrient feeding....i dont understand the ppm concept...can someone break it down to teaspoon or tablespoon many per gallon I use each part A and B...during the last few weeks i plan on using big bud and overdrive...this is my first time using...
  14. breeze1106

    seventh day can i fimm plant? HAVE PIX

    :? seventh day into it too late to fimm or top plant in this stage? pleeeeeese help!
  15. breeze1106

    fimming and topping help with pics

    thanks...very helpful also found this while searching
  16. breeze1106

    fimming and topping help with pics

    any way u can give me the link for the chart...i would greatly apprecdiate it and can fimm it now
  17. breeze1106

    fimming and topping help with pics

    ok heres the problem...i want to top fim or top my plant but dont know how ive watched videos and its too hard to tell were there cutting...i 6 days into flower is it too late to fim or top...which is better?:spew::?
  18. breeze1106

    strain types

    hello all, i have a brief question....which strain is best...indica or sativa...and how can u tell the different
  19. breeze1106

    smell of bud during curing

    two weeks now...but they smelled really strong before i cut it down...the whole time i jar cured....12 hours in jar then i burped for 5 hours in dark place...lost alot of smell
  20. breeze1106

    smell of bud during curing

    hey all....i jus cured one of my plants, but i have a problem with how it smell like a regular plant and not marijuana...i want tha skunky smell although the buds look terrific...i jar cured my smoked fine but didnt smell like bud....anyone please help me to find a solution...