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    Venting/Temp Question

    Happy turkeyday guys lol...anyone on that could drop some quick advise?
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    Venting/Temp Question

    Just getting my parts in the mail to set up my closet....its 2x4x7ft. I will be running 2 x 250hps with cooltubes. I just got my fan in the mail thats rated at 400cfm. For my venting i was planning on setting it like filter>Fan>duct>cooltube>duct>cooltube>duct>exhaust. My room is 56 cubic...
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    closet grower

    Everything i've read states that centrifugal fans pull better than they push that point is debatable tho. also, i think it is safer to pull air through the cooltube rather than push. Think what happens if your pushing air through the cooltube and your duct fails. You are then pushing large...
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    HPS light not intended for growing...ok??

    lol the guy @ my local hydro shop didn't believe me when i told him how cheap i could get a 1000w ballast and bulb. I think hes even started ordering from there for people who don't mind wiring a few wires together. I got my 400w hps bulb ballast relfector and cool tube for roughly 120...
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    HPS light not intended for growing...ok?? 1000w ballast and bulb for 169 shipped. 400w ballast and bulb 88 shipped. Now ofcourse these are not sealed ballast, but if they are kept out of the grow room or up high where they won't be touched by anything...
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    quick fan question

    it does have a passive intake/exhuast but again my fan is overpowered for the size room im dealing with so i was guessing that it would be able to pull enough air to properly ventilate both sides of the closet. Guess i wont know for sure till i set it up and try it out. if it doesnt work...
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    quick fan question

    I'm excited 25 days till i move and can put this together
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    quick fan question

    thanks bloom i will pick one of those up. The fan will be pulling air through a carbon scrubber, 2 x 250w cooltubes and exhausting the the closet creating negative air pressure inside the closet(Hopefully). Passive intakes low on the wall to bring in air from the next room over. I just...
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    quick fan question

    I purchased this fan I know its too much for my 2 x4 x8 closet but i was planning on getting a speed controller. I've seen posts saying to be sure that the controller you use is compatible with the type of motor the fan has or you risk...
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    yeah but they were just bag seeds anyways
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    Had to chop my first male today :( Henry was kind and loving plant. He enjoyed sun bathing, sleeping in the dark and every now and then he would take a quick dip in the water. He is survived by his two sisters, mary and jane. His funeral will be held at the compost pile in the back yard...
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    Diy Cool Tube

    Thanks. I just about shot myself tho. I made the same cool tube for my hps. got everything stuck together before i figured out that they were to long to fit side by side in my closet. The closet is 50 inches...two of them stuck directly to each other( I just clipped a few slits into the end of...
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    Diy Cool Tube

    I just got finished building my diy cool tube and it turned out really nicely so i figured i post some fairly detail instructions on how i built it Items Pipe straping alumin. tape huricane glass(larger size) 2x 6in to 4in reducers rubber weather stripping(I got mine from an auto parts...
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    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    Check out if you haven't they have really cheap prices: 600w ballast and bulb for $130 shipped. 400w ballast and bulb for $80 shipped. 250w ballast and bulb for $75 shipped. Sometimes they have enclosed ballast other times ya just need to build a cheap metal box ta keep em in...
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    First time LST Need Advice

    Yea, I will start training my next plants much earlier...i topped the day before flower and lst'd 4 days in. first grow so i was kinda worried about killin em while they were little.
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    First time LST Need Advice

    If you have no advice this isn't the thread for you...If i knew how to do it correctly i wouldn't be posting asking if i was now would i? So rather that posting a useless comment such as "this makes me sad" you could try to explain what i did right, if anything, what i did wrong and what i can...
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    First time LST Need Advice

    So i did some reasearch and lst looked like what i needed to do since i have such a small grow area 1x3x3. I've never done it before so i dont know if what i've done will work but it seems like it. I tied the main stem down first, 1st pic. then i took the secondary shoots(don't know if...
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    4 days flowering 1st grow 250w hps

    hah yeah the cabinet itself is fairly stealth but when you have a 13year old beat up ass dresser next to a 3500 dollar bedroom suit it looks outta place lol. Thanks for the input guys i'll post back in about a week with an update!
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    4 days flowering 1st grow 250w hps

    ouch 21 views no anwsers :(
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    4 days flowering 1st grow 250w hps

    Something else i just thought of...Is there a limit to the amount of different things you mix up to water your plants? like i said in my last post i fed with 1/4 strength veg and 1/2 bloom but i also gave them their last dose of epson salt... mag defficeincy someone suggested it on here and it...