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  1. reno

    please tell me what you think is wrong here

    just got home my clones of the same plants that i have this problem with look great no signs i was thinking maybe the co2 concentration to much for that temp my room temp is 82 day 70 at night with co2 i heard its suppose to be in the 90s i dont know gonna raise my temp tonight see what happens...
  2. reno

    please tell me what you think is wrong here

    ive had same problem last three grows starts 3-4 weeks in slow spotting spread until harvest doesnt seem to do any real damage ive tried 3 times cant figure it out thought cal or mag thats not it tried flushing heavly didnt help seem to actually make it move faster your plants look good mine do...
  3. reno

    Newbie with some leaf discoloration concerns 2 and half weeks into flowering. Please

    I thought tap water to changed to ro water this crop problem for me still came back all thou tap water is bad to use full of unknown minerals can cause lock out if you find the answer please post it i will do the same
  4. reno

    Newbie with some leaf discoloration concerns 2 and half weeks into flowering. Please

    i have the same problem for past three harvest still had good harvest probally could be better this one included 6 weeks into flowering i think it may be a mn def from to much cal i been flushing for 4 days gonna test a couple plants tomorrow with a foliar feed see if that correct it nothing ive...
  5. reno

    mag or cal def ?pics

    added cal mag it got worse could it be from nute lock out? using gh products 2 1000 watt hids co2 1200ppm 85 h 77 L 55% H thanx for all the help!
  6. reno

    AK47 2 weeks into flower...buds dying! HELP

    not enough calcium look up a chart on nute def probaly due to lock out are you using tap water
  7. reno

    Someone please help me out with this... Pic Posted

    my babies take two weeks to show its easy to tell when they do two white hairs female they are very easy to see just wait male are easy to big balls hanging both will be at the places you took pics of
  8. reno

    help w-pics mag def?

    i was thinking a virus of some kind
  9. reno

    help w-pics mag def?

    lights would be 22inches above i will loose to lumens other plants just as tall have no signs of this with the lights constantly moving in a circle they dont burn any thing leaf edges dont even curl a little so i dont think its scalding only on three out of 25
  10. reno

    help any ideas

    hey guys need a little help here pics what do you think two 1000 hids co2 1400ppm gh nutes most plants look pretty good dont want this thing to spread hids are on a suncircle rockwool medium drip emitter tray system 4 weeks in.
  11. reno

    help w-pics mag def?

    aw i see i didnt tell you they were on a suncircle sorry yes statinary they would have to be 12 to 18 inches above
  12. reno

    help w-pics mag def?

    MH and HPS are hids iam using one 1000 watt halide one 1000 hps
  13. reno

    help w-pics mag def?

    its not lights there are several other plants all around re read post suncircle can get with in 3 inches wont burn have been running for a year this problem came up last crop could not figure out was alot closer to harvest than now
  14. reno

    help w-pics mag def?

    light is 10 inches its on a suncircle never sits still all other plants around her are fine yes only on top three out of a crop have it
  15. reno

    help w-pics mag def?

    weird micro def pics help hey guys need a little help here pics what do you think two 1000 hids co2 1400ppm gh nutes most plants look pretty good dont want this thing to spread
  16. reno

    weird micro def pics help

    hey guys need a little help here pics what do you think two 1000 hids co2 1400ppm gh nutes most plants look pretty good dont want this thing to spread
  17. reno

    bud tips yellow

    ill get pics tomorrow didnt have camera tonight thanx
  18. reno

    Plants not looking happy, please help!

    i had same problem atleast looked the same r u using tap water i was switch ro water tap water cause overdose of calcium causing mag def and a whole lot of other micro nute def
  19. reno

    bud tips yellow

    hey guys three of my babies are in 3 weeks of flowering 75% of them are great but three main flower tip is yellowed out about a inch i thought a mag def but all plants are same res what do you think
  20. reno

    Brown spots one 1 leaf.

    cal-mag get it use it i use gh products i never use full strength half to 3/4 max i had same spots cal mag fixed it