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  1. J

    10x12 grow room need ideas please

    dude you need mylar or tin foil or paint your walls white the set up a air flow system or just use fans or a fan keep the humidity right if possible i grow outside but i've read up mad stuff a 400 or 600 or 1000 watt hps light will do u most good im sur you might need two of each smaller one but...
  2. J

    in ground, or grow bag?

    if i was you id dig a hole and put the good soil in then plant ur plants in the good soil
  3. J

    from pot to ground

    nice but its not the bushiest next summer my shits will be better and i'll have more
  4. J

    Out of Body Experience

    heaven yes dude thats the craziest feeling i was all happy i was giddy and shit looking down at myself i realized im a sexi ass dude then i got scared though for some reason i padded out woke up and was like shit guys wtf happened they said i was like squrming and shit and i said crazy shit that...
  5. J

    making safe forums

    ya just be like if i did or you would prolly or in my dreams i did this just stuff so if they try and check your messages you mad it sound like your just giving good advice if somebody were too not like you do urseldf got me
  6. J

    Finally flowering! (PICS)

    hey my plants got started mad late because i moved friggin i started them late june lol dumb move i didn't know i was moving outta state well this is new because i have always started in mid march its september first they haven't started yet will they or what there like 20 inches any ways to...
  7. J

    first time outdoor grower needs simple questions answered

    omg a black garbage bag never thought of that lol sweet
  8. J

    problems with female

    hmmm i water mine outside everyday with nutrients simple stuff miracle grow with a higher nitrogen level there eighteen inches high is that alright i want fast growth cause i started late but too much i know could slow it down help man id appreciate.
  9. J

    help dieing plant wut do i do!!

    dude yall hydoponics growers are great it seems so damn hard to make a setup tell me what id need to make a setup im sick of outdoors and want them to grow fast if i do it inside i know the ponics will thanks
  10. J

    Please help my flowering plants

    man i love robin williams i watch that silly guy all the time his broadway one at least aren't his pants funny they look like a geanie should wear them
  11. J

    my leaves are turning yellow???

    im an outdoors man lol and that happens too me to mostly the bottom nodes right i haven't figured it out its nothing too worry aboutt though im almost sure
  12. J

    WTF!!! whats goin on

    dude there stretching soo put the fluorescents like 2 inches away they look silly well also the blacker the soil the better i have a nice 10 by 10n in my woods of good soil my dad put together years ago i just keep adding nutrients
  13. J

    WTF!!! whats goin on

    well the blacker the better in soil case thats all i know man i never really messed around i have a 10 by 10 in the woods of great soil my dad mixed years ago and i just keep nutrientizing and i have my own compost pile i know blacker the better oh and put your fluorescents closer dude thats a...
  14. J

    First Closet Grow

    mmm tuffy man id say start of if there still in them cups using the littlest possible bit if any like maybe a half or a teaspoon remember even a tiny lil bit will help then u can see if it has an adverse affect if not use same amount till bigger and just keep upping your amounts if u see signs...
  15. J

    My First Journal

    lol i meant wouldnt be a bad idea srry for sounding stupid left out a few letters
  16. J

    My First Journal

    ya man nice grow. wow fluorescents im an outsider but if fluorescents are working fine hmmmmmmm thats cheap too i know you can get a 400 600 and 1000 wattt hps lamp setup for at the most like 449.oo just call a plant shop that u know has one or call one u don't and just be like i need a store...
  17. J

    The damn question, male or female?

    yea man i kno for a fact that is i funked up almost u gotta tear the big pollinator down make hash or save it and a buch more males and make compost i did and i surprisingly got great results now i grow males too a size chop em and compost em lol this is all done in horrid conditions seeing as i...
  18. J

    The SuperCloset

    wow man i agree yopu could put a thousand wattt hps with ballast get a cheap cabinet from some good will or amvets or used store buy the intake system and stuff andf it would come out too much cheaper i am an outside man and was just wondering what exactly are those things on the back of...