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  1. C

    Heading to myrtle beach

    Iim old dude, ha ha, 32 with four kids, all boys so I feel way older than I am and the army wasnt to kind to me the 3 years I was in, but you'll have that. I will def check some of those clubs they sound pretty good. Sitting on the beach after blazing is what I plan to do a lot of, lol. I...
  2. C

    Heading to myrtle beach

    Brick weed, that's what I am talking about when I say I am worried about the quality. She offered to buy it before we got there and we could just pay her back. I'm good on that shit. I already told her if it is bunk ass shit I'm not buying it, so if she wants to buy it and take that chance with...
  3. C

    Heading to myrtle beach

    What's up guys. Heading down to myrtle beach for a week with the wife. First time with no kids in 12 years, I'm pretty excited. Anyway, any one been down there recently and can suggest.some good things to do? Planning on buying an oz once we are down there since the wife is sketchy about...
  4. C

    Need advice. Going on vacation..

    6.6 gal res x 9 plants x 5 days. Should work man.
  5. C

    slow moving plant...5 days into flowering and has taken off considerably.

    Ur gonna need a bigger pot soon. Looks great though. New growth is a nice lush green. Keep up the good work. :joint:
  6. C

    Pots, fans & how many in my grow area....

    That heap filter is going to do exactly what u said it is doing, getting rid of a funky smell. It will act as a carbon filter, for now, it won't last like the scrubber though. Invest in an ocilating fan bro. One like this will even work...
  7. C

    Ph during watering

    You should always ph ur water dude, always after adding nutes. I usually add mine, shake it, check ph, let it sit for 30 minutes or so, give it another shake and check ph again. Works for me.
  8. C

    Pots, fans & how many in my grow area....

    Any oscillating fan will work then. I use one that has the 3 speed settings on it and set it on a small stool in my room. They also sell ones that you can mount directly to your walls, to save space. I will be getting one of those soon. U basically want to mimic the wind blowing out side, don't...
  9. C

    Pots, fans & how many in my grow area....

    Are you talking about fans for ventilation or a fan to circulate the air in the room? If the air in the room then any oscillating fan will work, it just hast to move the air. Ventilation is different. You want to exchange the air in your room ever 3 to 5 minutes, but I recommend closer to 3...
  10. C

    3 month old plant, 2 month 12/12, slow bud forming

    What kind of ventilation do you have? I've seen them do that when the ventilation sucks.
  11. C

    One branch seeded; odds on losing whole plant?

    Get some reverse and try that asap. I had a plant do that my last grow and the whole crop Hermied on me. Fucking sucked.
  12. C

    Story Time :)

    Its called the "in plain sight law" here in ohio. All they have to say is that tje MJ in plain sight gave them probable cause to search ur shit. Law sux, but tjats how it is, here in ohio anyway. I had a friend some one called the cops cause they thought some one was trying to get in through a...
  13. C

    Harvest time? (Pics!!!)

    The pistils have noting to do with when to harvest, its all in the trichs dude. U can get a 60x100 at radio shack for around 12 dollars. What are u feeding them, u look like u may have slight nitrogen toxicity, or really high nitrogen ur feeding them?
  14. C

    Worried about my videos / Being caught by my school :( help?

    If ur not identifiable, i wouldnt worry about it much. Even if they do trace it back to ur computer, there is no proof that u uploaded it. Could have been one of ur friends or some one came over and used it. Play it smart. Dont go to school blazed or with anything on u. Dont be that kid that...
  15. C

    Well This Sucks.

    How did the parents find out in the first place?
  16. C

    can someone please offer some help AGAIN

    What medium are you growing in, soil, hydro....? 5.8 to 6 ph is low if ur in soil.
  17. C

    Need help on my HEMPY BUCKET!

    Two drains should be fine, just make sure ur containers are level. Not too many people on here have experience with the hempy buckets. the nutes ir using are low on nitrogen for vegging. Search for: hempy collective re-vised. Lots of good info in there. I tried to post the link, but my phone...
  18. C

    Leaves look perfectly healthy but are starting to droop

    Mine start to droop like that right before lights out to. They are fine once the light comes back on.
  19. C

    The Rant & Rave Thread

    Rant: people who quit smoking and then get,on a soap box and want to prreach to every one the evils of being a smoker. I hate that shit. Rave: its friday, and only 2 more hours of work to go
  20. C

    FREEBIES didnt pop! Bummer......

    Have u tried scuffing ur seds a little? I have a match box that i glued a piece of sand paper to the bottom. I take my seeds and put them in there, close the box and shake it lightly for a minute or so, then soak in water for a few hours and use the paper towel method to germ. I have had seeds...