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  1. K

    hydrochloric acid ?

    Phosphoric acid (H3PO4) is much better, it breaks down into phosphorus (P), instead of chlorine (Cl).
  2. K

    When to Stop co2 Increase During Flowering?

    I personally run all the way up to the end. High nitrogen causes to much foliage (foxtailing). Stopping co2 right at the start of the swell is like making a car that shuts off half its cylinders when you press the accelerator to the floor, not very smart. Instead, stop the nitrogen, give it...
  3. K

    When to Stop co2 Increase During Flowering?

    No sir, you are wrong. I am not going to lay it out for you however. Go do some research and chime back in when your up to speed.
  4. K

    Leaves dying and falling off overnight

    750ppm would be enough to sustain green growth provided it's balanced and providing enough Nitrogen. Your pH dropping suggests to me that you have another problem. Usually a drop in pH signals the start, or the acceleration of root disease. Upping the ppm is a good idea, dont get me wrong...
  5. K

    Dry Ice Hash was a great success!

    BHO will impress your balls to your couch for about 4 hours if you have the right attachment to smoke it.......
  6. K

    Dry Ice Hash was a great success!

    Yea, it was killing mine too. But I'm a bigger guy, and have done a lot of manual labor so, it really wasnt that bad. I will say tho, that anyone who is thinking of making bubble hash, or BHO should definitely check this method out..... SO EASY, and HUGE yield for little product...
  7. K

    Dry Ice Hash was a great success!

    I just tried this for the first time as well. I started with a 5 gal bucket and 220 micron screen, 40lbs of dry ice, and lots of trim. Ended up getting two giant pill bottles full of keif. Not bad for leaves....
  8. K

    Ph Dropping

    Enzymes are a form of catalyst, meaning they increase the rate of a given chemical reaction. They do this by lowering the activation energy required to perpetuate the chemical reaction. So when you have a bad bacteria population, and give them a catalyst, they perform their metabolic functions...
  9. K

    Ph Dropping

    Using unbuffered RO water, with a nutrient with high sulfur would be my bet (if organic decomposition is eleminated). Get yourself some Pro-Tekt.....(see previous post). Use it like you would pH up, screw the directions, just add some until your pH is correct. After a couple days it should be...
  10. K

    Ph Dropping

    I use "mycomadness" only because it is complete, and easily available where I am. Any innoculant would work, eg. greatwhite, zho powder....there are many. Typically CO2 has to be in pretty high concentrations to effect it, basically what happens is the carbon breaks from the oxygen forming...
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    Ph Dropping

    BTW, just looked and your roots look perfectly healthy to me lordijn.
  12. K

    Ph Dropping

    Enzymes do not break anything down. Enzymes facilitate the bacteria and fungi in breaking down organic matter. If your using enzymes, and no good microbial innoculant, your only helping the bad microbes do their job faster.
  13. K

    Ph Dropping

    PPM's are spot on. Almost exactly what mine run with GH micro/bloom lucas ratio. For pH to drop, there usually either has to be a high amount of Sulfur, OR dead organic material, OR your air pump, pumping too high of concentration of CO2 into your water. What type of water are you using...
  14. K

    Quiet. The Neighbors Can Hear You (Sound Control Thread)

    You are right, you can still hear some of the mechanical noise, but it cuts out all of the air movement noise, which seems to be most of the total noise. Also, just to clarify, I'm speaking of insulated ducting, its got the flex ducting inside of a layer of fiberglass insulation wrapped in...
  15. K

    Quiet. The Neighbors Can Hear You (Sound Control Thread)

    Everyone is going on and on about duct mufflers/boxes for your fans..... Pick up some insulated ducting from lowes. Its around $25-30 for 25'. It's amazing how well this ducting cuts the sound of my 424cfm 6" inline.....takes it down to what a 170cfm 4" sounds like on medium-low.
  16. K

    cooling my res

    I've tried all sorts of things man, including setting up an radiator ciruclating my res water thru it and blowing air from the central A/C across it. Done the water bottles, done the fans, done the cooling of my air pump, and in all, I have spent more money trying to do it the cheap way...
  17. K


    Not trying to start a flame war, just providing some info.... That being said, AN and GH do not differ in composition. They only differ in price. The 16 essential's are the 16 essentials, as long as they are in their respective available forms. Being "made for cannabis" is flat out bull...
  18. K

    HELP! Freaking out right now!!

    Need more info man, is that soil or soiless medium in the buckets? If your using hydroton, you should water about 10 min every 2-4 hours, depending on ambient temp and humidity.
  19. K

    Trouble starting seeds in rockwool

    What I do, and I see nearly 100% success, is I put the seed directly into the rockwool, then place the rock wool into a net cup in my aero cloner, 5.5Ph 75-80F. Sometimes I used just a touch of more than 200ppm. I think where you are going wrong is sealing them in the...
  20. K

    Weird 6-Legged Winged Bugs In My Grow!!!! NOT Mites!!! Please Help!!!

    Google "thrips" I would be willing to bet thats what you have....