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  1. C

    Smell Leaking out Jars?

    Yeah, also means they wont cure as good as possible Im sure you can still get a good cure, but not a connoisseur's cure I bought these jars from ikea and nowhere on the website does it claim they are airtight, they just look airtight cause of the rubber seals I bought some new ones that will...
  2. C

    Smell Leaking out Jars?

    Has anyone experienced smell leaking out of jars? If i sniff round the rim of my jar i can smell green for sure, they are proper rubber sealed coffee type jars...
  3. C

    Curing straight away?

    cool, thanks for mentioning that, i may leave them out for a few hours every now & then to keep em a bit brighter they are going very dark looking... compared to after the chop when they were bright green any difference on taste?
  4. C

    Cut Lights Before Harvest?

    do it, i gave mine 33 hours darkness before the chop & it definitely exploded within that time
  5. C

    How fast does mold hit?

    Lets say you start getting moisture inside the jar, how long until that turns into mold? I jarred my buds early as i want to retain flavour, i hung dried for 3 days until buds were crispy, then jarred them. The jars stay slightly open most of the time to let out excess moisture & let buds dry...
  6. C

    Curing straight away?

    Its amazing how much moisture the stems keep in there, at times my buds felt totally dry on the outside, but after a few hours in the jar the jar gets all steamy Im leaving the jars slighty open so they can breathe when im not there as the buds are still very moist & soft, but when im at home i...
  7. C

    Curing straight away?

    Cool, this assures me that my slightly wet bud i have curing right now, is just taking long to smell good cause it wasn't very dry when i jarred it I had some small popcorn buds that started to smell really nice when i fondled them to smell the centre, but then i left them out overnight & they...
  8. C

    Curing straight away?

    I think its best to wait until the outside is crispy, but stems are still wet, then when the buds remoisten/sweat in the jar, to leave the jar open until they go a bit crispy again, and each time you close the jar do it for a bit longer... When the bud no longer remoistens, keep the jar closed...
  9. C

    Curing straight away?

    If you constantly checked for mold & burped very regularly, wouldn't curing straight away, or as soon as the outside goes crispy (after 2/3 days drying), be the best way to retain flavour? I ask because i did the 'dry til stems snap' thing and the buds went bone dry & lost all taste
  10. C

    Mineral Water?

    Not really expensive, 98p for a bottle and one bottle lasts just under a week, if your into spirituality or even deep into genetic science youll understand that the water you give your plant will effect your plant greatly, perhaps in an unseen way & even immeasurable way, but certainly effecting...
  11. C

    Mineral Water?

    But would those dissolved solids cause problems? I don't want to buy a reverse osmosis machine, im only growing one plant! The tap water in my area is nasty, even after its been filtered i wouldnt drink it
  12. C

    Mineral Water?

    Isit okay to feed your girl mineral water? I presume its better than tap water or filtered tap water? Peace
  13. C

    Canna Bio Boost - Use in the last week?

    Yep, do do it! You can even use it alongisde biobizz's topmax if you wanna splash out People use canna bioboost with loads of setups, the shop i bought it from, their catalogue recommends using it with any & every setup you could think of (except maybe hydro systems) Its amazing stuff in my...
  14. C

    Canna Bio Boost - Use in the last week?

    Im gonna use it right til the end, if biocanna say to use it, then it must be good to use right until the chop
  15. C

    Canna Bio Boost - Use in the last week?

    It just sounds daunting you know, using something other than plain water in the last week, but ifit helps ill def use it...
  16. C

    Canna Bio Boost?

    Have any of you fellow growers used this right until harvest? biocanna's website cultivaition schedule says to use bioboost by itself in the last 2 weeks, but they've had conflicting information on their website before... Im thinking it should be okay to use as it has no nutes, if anything...
  17. C

    Canna Bio Boost - Use in the last week?

    Does anyone here keep using bioboost in the last week? On the feed chart on biocannas website they say use it in the last 7-14 days by itself, can i trust this is okay? Its a metaboliser so it could be good at using up all the excess nutes in the medium in the last week to make sure no ferts in...
  18. C

    Guanokalong Liquid Extract Taste Improver?

    This stuffs amazing (not that anyone cared enough to reply) :cuss: Everytime i use it i get crystal explosion overnight
  19. C

    The BioCanna Nutes and BioTerra "soil" thread

    BioBoost 16-20ml must be per gallon right? Not sure about using the zyme for the last weeks, i heard you back off the zymes at least 3 weeks from harvest...
  20. C

    The BioCanna Nutes and BioTerra "soil" thread

    Do you stick to 4ml/ltr for bioboost or do you go a bit nuts withit? Id highly recommend liquid guano extract alongside biocanna, it works really well, the plant i used lots of guano on really swelled up nice