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  1. johnathandoe

    NooB Advice

    after I poured em' out I dont see the mold ne more, there was only like 1 spot that had it, being in the sun all day should kill it right? like I said I don't see any mold now, the place it was in was seen with a magnafying glass
  2. johnathandoe

    NooB Advice

    quick question, maybe this one u'll get answerd, lol i know you guys dont care bout my stemy plant..... I only got like 250-300 grams wet been in a jar for 2 weeks, burped twice, one day open inbetween week closed. they sank down and feel a little denser, looking today they had white mold...
  3. johnathandoe

    NooB Advice

    Oh yeah I forgot to say hey... how ya been doin. haha, and I stopped nutes like 2-3 weeks ago( spots? ) or heat? ITS BEEN HOT Man wish I had better lights............. think I'd have some good'n what I have cut off hasn't weighed much at all even wet
  4. johnathandoe

    NooB Advice

    Notice the spots on most of the fan leaves, and some of the "fingers" comming out of the buds are dying and brown and dry.....Some of the.. well alot of the buds are really thin( you can see the light through them, chalk that up to the lights? ) The hairs started to turn brown and everything...
  5. johnathandoe

    NooB Advice

    Naw I don't worry too much with it , I just know we ARE being watched, on the net. NO man power for it, just a govmnt comp siphering everything. Put a room of plants on here that could produce a couple hundred pounds and see how quick your door has a knock on it. But yeah ONE...
  6. johnathandoe

    NooB Advice

    If you are in a Legal state all the googling is fine......but, if you are in a state that frowns on it , all the searching could actually wind up quite expensive, why do you think our president likes the net so much? everything you do leaves a IP#, and especialy if you stay logged into your...
  7. johnathandoe

    NooB Advice

    Are you saying you made the butter out of the remains of the plant? I'd like that...I'm needing to stop SMOKING period. I read somewhere that the tar content of 1 joint is = to like 10 ciggs, I smoke bout 4-5 joints a day and close to 2 packs of full flavor ciggs. I can't run 10 feet w/out...
  8. johnathandoe

    NooB Advice

    + 1/2 a gram does the trick for me.....
  9. johnathandoe

    NooB Advice

    You are boiling it in almost 100% alcohol though....... and THC is "activated" by heat ( why eating a bud out of a bag won't really get you stoned) It would almost make sence......and even if it don't I think they are showing on a small scale to "try it out" so you don't waist alot if you dont...
  10. johnathandoe

    NooB Advice

    ok so part of my question is answerd, THC is said to disolve in alcohol better then water.....I guess it would make more sence to make the shine first THEN do this with the bud as to not waist ne thing........ FYI I have read this tech. to increase potency in your bud too....... IDK where I...
  11. johnathandoe

    NooB Advice That is what I am reading.........IDK if ne 1 here has ne experience with shine, but my main goal is to remove ethanol.... I think lol, my understanding is the methenal is produced and you have to "sthill it" to seperate..... IDK back to reading,..... I...
  12. johnathandoe

    NooB Advice

    Hey thanks man, I'm off to read.........what's that green liqure from germany...... absnyth... IDK ........ oooo what if you put "shrooms in it organic "roll"???? I know that the boiling point for alcohol is lower than water, I guess the question would be if the THC would grabb the...
  13. johnathandoe

    NooB Advice

    I was doing some reading on moonshine recipes ( my watermelons and grapes will be ready soon) and a wonderful thought came to light. I mean I got really excited!! I wonder ( if I had the luxury of a spare plant ) if I could chopp her up, after she's done flowering and curing, boil EVERY thing...
  14. johnathandoe

    NooB Advice

    I like how Chaos will stop strangers in there tracks @ the door, while people he knows comes in freely. I can watch 3-4 guys walk pass him wagging his tail and that last guy thats never been here about pisses his pants when Chaos sneaks around everyone to say ... HEY WHO ARE YOU??? He won't...
  15. johnathandoe

    NooB Advice

    That is the TRUE "Rednose" pit, 3yrs , 130lbs, thinks he is a lap dog
  16. johnathandoe

    NooB Advice

    You say "swelling"....Do you think throughout flower, they swell, stretch, swell...The reason I ask, I try to examine every bud I can find, once a day. Some days I am all happy cause they look fat and plump, other days they are not dense at all( you can almost see through them). Then a couple...
  17. johnathandoe

    NooB Advice

    Not the prettiest "bud porn" around, but I think for a product of it's enviroment, she's a supermodel, haha I'm itchin, haha, how much longer ya think. I want to give these " red " bulbs times to effect :peace::blsmoke:
  18. johnathandoe

    NooB Advice

    Riddle, Speaking of lighting, I bought some " plant & aquarium" T12bulbs by GE , they are at 3000k light color, but it says a WIDE range , having alot of blue AND alot of red........... what do you think? The info on the box said it was great for growing and flowering.
  19. johnathandoe

    NooB Advice

    A perfect joint..... I almost hated to smoke it, haa:blsmoke:
  20. johnathandoe

    NooB Advice

    um lol thats what I was saying.....pot heads... shheesh hahahaha those pics are before, after a couple months we'll see what Ive learned and see how I do things diff, like I said , I amgoing totaly diff,I want NO WHERE near this height