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  1. T

    drug test question

    alrite i got a drug test nd its 2 days away i recently smoked a hydro blunt is it possilble for me to get it out without comming up diluated and i dont have money to buy all that shit so naturally
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    Extacy question???

    my bad i sound like ive never done it cuz my friend is asking me all these weird questions so i let him ask on here but ive never had the purple ufc so good to hear its a good roll, do you know the base?
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    Extacy question???

    its a purple ufc the press is the ufc symbol that should be good or what?
  4. T

    Extacy question???

    What should you to before and while taking E to make sure its a good trip?
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    Germinating question!

    ok thanks everyone for ya help stay high...
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    Germinating question!

    ok i think ill just go with the paper towel method so how wet do i get the paper towels and how many would be best to use?
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    Germinating question!

    Ok what is the best most effective way to germinate seeds?
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    First roll XD

    haha nice naked twister with jesus hahahaha
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    First roll XD

    yeah i know thats true there arent such things as stacks exactly but around where i live thats just what everyone calls it haha, and yeah i checked it all on pillreports all that just bored and had fun so i thought id just post it up
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    First roll XD

    I rolled for my first time yesterday with a triple stack, it was amazing if anyone out there is thinking about doing it but isnt sure i would recommend it for sure, all you gotta do is be positive drink a good amount of water and have fun!! haha Pill: Blue Pokeball Stack: triple it was real good
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    shroom experts?

    ok another question how long does shrooms stayin your system for? and im about to get an 8th soon for 35 dollars is that good? and how many people would that get trippin?
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    shroom experts?

    @ Tcm04 - thanks man ive heard your first trip is usually bad how true is that? and i also need to know how much me and my friend would need to get us triping for a lil while its both of our first times and i need to know how much to get?
  13. T

    shroom experts?

    ok, i wanna do shrooms really bad wanna have that psycadelic trip haha, but i wanna know as much as i can about them and the trip before i do them, so post as much as you know about shrooms please, thank you
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    i got a seeds question

    ok thats what i thought just making sure thanks
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    i got a seeds question

    yeah ive been reading so dont trip just heard that from someone thats grown and wanted to know
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    i got a seeds question

    ok well i have another question then when i start growing whats the quickest way i can tell its a male or female?
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    i got a seeds question

    ok i heard that to tell if a seed is a male or a female plant that if its a female the seeds lighter and darker if its male is that true?
  18. T

    set up help?

    same here im going to try and update often and everytime i do there will be pics
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    set up help?

    that would be fun, im really hoping i can start tomorrow but i would only be germinating and the sprout would be by friday maybe thursday right? im ready for this adventure!! XD
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    set up help?

    i thought veg could be like 14 days? or is that wrong? and i thought flower was a little shorter as well?